General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo tips

Meepo tips in General Discussion

    I started learning meepo yesterday, i got to very high skill which shocked me as f*** because i suck,
    anyway i struggle to win even if i have very good early game, and not sure what to change, builds, playstyle or what.

    Im titled as f*** since even if i stomp my team decide to go jungle instead of pushing, and if i split push i will get rekt because my russian team mates dont know what ward is.

    Quite often i play vs russian noskills who pick heroes like slark, troll, wk, axe, and they come back in late game, and then i can't do shit alone.

    Any tips?


      not sure what to change, builds, playstyle or what.

      All of the above.
      Find a top Meepo player, download his replays and analyze.


        The problem is that top players play on 9k+ right, they have supports who gank, wards etc.


          its normal to struggle winning the game after having good early game. Coz meepos late game is bad, but has really good ealry-mid game performance


            The problem is that top players play on 9k+ right, they have supports who gank, wards etc.

            Yet if a pro plays in 1-5k mmr, they wreck despite having shitty teammates. Gowd, kys.

            meteor hammer

              iuf u pick meepo and you have less than 5000 mmr you have terminal brain cancer

              meteor hammer

                this hero is literally the definition of a 1v9 self sufficient wrecking ball

                u dont need "help". u can win 1v9 against 5 counters if ur good

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  do you even MICRO, bro?

                  Giff me Wingman

                    I'm sure ur 4k knowledge is accurate. That's why there are so many meepo spammers playing the hero in 7k+.

                    Oh wait.

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      Meepo is a natural early game monster unless you feed early games. Late game is his worst stage. If you pick meepo, your is to outfarm all your enemy and finish the game quickly as possible.

                      Also, avoid picking Meepo if there is a anti meepo hero. Among them are:

                      Axe: this one is a scary dude.
                      Earthshaker: all AOE stun spell plus a scary ulti enough to solo kill you if timed right.
                      Warlock: Fatal Bonds plus Golem is as bad as it sound.
                      Wyvern: Auto kill everytime he SS.
                      Sven: AOE stun plus insane right click spells doom to your meepo.

                      meteor hammer

                        ya my sick 4k knowlege sorry im 4k btw haHA


                          ^ autist alert


                            Jdf is 4k confirmed


                              "The problem is that top players play on 9k+ right, they have supports who gank, wards etc.
                              Yet if a pro plays in 1-5k mmr, they wreck despite having shitty teammates. Gowd, kys."

                              It's obvious such player will destroy everyone, but what does it have to do with learning from replays? they have totally different play style in 9k mmr since they also have teammates with brain, who joing fights, buy wards, gank etc.

                              As i said even if i stomp, my team won't join me most of the time, and i can't split push if half of enemy team have shadowblades, plus we have zero vision.

                              meteor hammer

                                ill go play my first ever game of meepo guys :thinking: 1 sec

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  meepo is the worst hero to encounter if it's a booster.


                                    keep practicing.... stomp early game hard enough... for me thats the only prob with meepo..doesnt matter how good i am at early-mid game.. if i didnt push hard enough due to any reason, enemy team will comeback 8/10 times


                                      cookie cutter tip: dont skill anything at lvl 2 and 9 .. that way u can level your ult and poof/ ult and talent respectively... they are much more useful than other skills at respective stages


                                        i just watched abbed play, and i saw he didnt add skills at lvl 2, thanks for tip, i didnt know its even possible lol, never reading patch notes :D

                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                          EZY MEEPO COUNTER IS RIKI..




                                              Axe isn't even close to being a meepo counter. If he calls more than 10mins into the game he is suiciding.

                                              Why are you complaining about no wards as meepo? You should be >1000gpm midgame - just buy some wards yourself.


                                                Axe: this one is a scary dude.
                                                Earthshaker: all AOE stun spell plus a scary ulti enough to solo kill you if timed right.
                                                Warlock: Fatal Bonds plus Golem is as bad as it sound.
                                                Wyvern: Auto kill everytime he SS.
                                                Sven: AOE stun plus insane right click spells doom to your meepo.

                                                axe passive cannot keep up with the damage of meepos. Axe is dead
                                                es is no counter to meepo people should've known this by now..
                                                warlock golem is a big pile of cash.

                                                only sven and ww counters this hero


                                                  Warlock is a pretty good counter - upheaval and fatal bonds make it really hard to get a low hp clone to safety.

                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                    axe passive cannot keep up with the damage of meepos. Axe is dead
                                                    es is no counter to meepo people should've known this by now..
                                                    warlock golem is a big pile of cash.

                                                    only sven and ww counters this hero

                                                    1.) Blademail does however.
                                                    2.) You clearly havent played against a shaker with brain
                                                    3.) pretty accurate

                                                    No, there are way more heroes that counter meepo, tinker, wyvern, sven, riki, magnus, PA, injoker and pretty much over half the hero pool if u can't manage to end before 25mins and they don't suck dick.

                                                    Meepo can work against counters if u're good and ur team does help you out.

                                                    There is a reason why noone really picks him in high mmr (6k+), only dumb lowskilled players think meepo is OP every game. Meepo can seem OP, but only against dumbfucks and no counters.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                      ^AND only if you name your profile to "abed"


                                                        got over 500+ maapo games played since he could spawn faster when he died (rip my 2k rat meepo)

                                                        current meepo is all about that stat sharing without ags so he is pretty strong atm in early game so you want to end as fast as you can especially if they got certain heroes with farm is gonna fuck you in the boibutte

                                                        just farm threads + blink + dragonlance (x2?) into hex and eblade depending what you need

                                                        just farm fast and avoid humans you can't kill without risk and keep farming pushing untill you hit the sweet spot where you can fight/take rosh

                                                        Elder Titan is rly cancer vs meepo (if i remember right almost never see him)

                                                        Axe/earthshaker/sven is not rly that spooky if your team has not feed them loads of kills and now they are higher lvl and farm then you

                                                        tinker is real cancer if he gets ags and he is good at positioning himself far away from you

                                                        winter wyvern ult can kill you pretty fast also if meeps are grouped up had a WW who would positioning himself in the back line of the team all the time just jerking his dong and waiting to ult me if i tried anything

                                                        riki is just annoying as fuck


                                                          Watch Abed play meepo.


                                                            Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


                                                              1.) Blademail does however.
                                                              2.) You clearly havent played against a shaker with brain
                                                              3.) pretty accurate

                                                              no it doesnt. Meepo is already farmed and snowballing hard by the time axe gets bm. build change of Stats instead of agh after 7.00 made meepo even better against bm axe
                                                              and it doesnt matter how good shaker is, he has no solution to blink hex


                                                                A good shaker would stay behind and wait for a perfect opportunity to use ss though, a good earth spirit is also extremely hard to deal with when playing meepo.

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  Jakiro is the best counter I've found. Meepo can't really interrupt your slow animations, and the massive attack speed slow guarantees that you'll almost always be able to land all your spells.


                                                                    If the jakiro is good, i mean if he is in a good position, if he is always in a bad position jakiro will always get killed first