General Discussion

General Discussionstuck at 700-800 mmr

stuck at 700-800 mmr in General Discussion

    dear god, idk who's the stupidest in this thread


      thats like saying, dont learn whats in textbooks because u dont understand anything so u should derive everything on your own. lol


        also i strongly disagree with nami

        with that low shit mmr, whatever you learn PROPERLY will give you mmr.

        properly as in ''ideal high mmr'' scenario.

        I once coached a girl to 1v1 mid for a week, 3 weeks later she went from 1k to 3k just by stomping every lane and a little bit of pushing.

        given the fact that you have complete freedom at sub 3k to do whatever you want, learning anything properly will give you mmr.

        Dire Wolf

          dude what's the difference between carry 2k and 3k? I'm telling you IT'S FARMING. That's it. It's not like 3ks are magically more aware of eveyrthing, don't overextend and make as many mistakes. They are completely shitty. The difference is they hit more cs in lane and rotate through jungle and get 100 cs in 20 minutes vs a 2k player who has 100 cs for the game. It doesn't matter if you are stupid and out of position if you have 2-3 more items than the enemies and turn ganks around.

          For support I'd focus on winning lanes hard. No moving around map ganking like crazy or crazy awareness needed, just win lanes for your carry very hard or force opposing carry out of lane.

          What you're saying is oh just be better in general. What we are saying is to be better focus on this one task and master it first.


            @namin Positioning is a proplem too but i try to be at safe position asp but i think that items are the proplem , and what do you mean by overextending ? And why r u keep saying he I'm a girl btw ty


              @cookie so u mean that mid win the game ? But what if i don't like playing mid ?also other thing what if I'm playing good in my lane but our mid failed ? Ty again


                no, i mean learn to read.

                I'd say the biggest factor towards your mmr is your intelligence, or in your case the lack of, you're asking ridiculously stupid questions whose answers don't matter.

                if you actually need to rely on others to answer such a stupid meaningless question, then your upper limit is in the high 2k's.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  Lol ur calling my ques. Stupid i just wanted to learn smth new ,I'm not relying on others also all I wanted was to improve and Thanks!


                    Usually, people with working brains think about the questions/statements before they post them.

                    What I'm saying is your thought process halts at the idea rather than an actual question worth discussing.

                    So before you post something try to think a little about it. Also, try not to contradict yourself.

                    Mr. Jin

                      I play tinker unfair bots and i get 40 5 30mins but in real game that doesnt happen.

                      The basics are extremely important but u cant learn them from bot games

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        ^nami so what's the right thing to do?


                          @Melody OI YOU LITTLE KEBAB LISTEN HERE.
                          i started at 1.1k mmr and now i am 3k and my ranked win rate is +67% in ranked. Listen up son i will show you the ways. you only have like 400 games, this is why you are 1k<. Do not play ranked yet please, play normal matches because it is not as cancer as ranked. In normal you can relax and play any hero you want. Just try to play all the heroes, by doing this you will learn all heroes spells and how to play against them. TRUST ME. This may seem boring but when you finally know everything WATCH TI7. Try to watch all the matches because the casters explain everthing that the pros do. At first you wont be able to do what the pros do or you may not understand what they are doing e.g. tread switching or swapping items into backback when they shrine, BUT in time the more you see this the more you understand everything. You NEED to just play more matches, you are not shit but you are playing ranked when you dont know basically 99% of dota. I hope you listen to me because in half a year you will be 3k like me.


                            @Tete thank you and yup I will do like you said Gl you too Thanks once more !

                            Sugar Sugar Maple

                              Just play dude. No secrets on how to gain MMR. No tricks and no shortcuts. Just play the game. But not too much. You should also learn how to take a short break after a losing streak.

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