General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for grind to 4k

Tips for grind to 4k in General Discussion

    For those who mained pos 1
    What did you have to do different to differentiate yourself from other 3k carries?
    I feel my farming patterns are fine, and I think there are some things I can work on, like learning matchups, itemization and game sense, but not sure what else.

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      >For those who mained pos 1
      > mained
      > 2649
      HAHAAH gl playing with 5 carry teams all day
      u gotta be flexible at your level to get better at the game


        Git gud

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          do coikke chalenj 1053 times!


            simple play support gratz now you're diffrent frome all other 3k players :v


              I'm 3k now, I don't show my mmr.
              Also I don't need a 3k smurf to post. Want real players kid

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                1-IceTea 🌟

                  The root different between me and thouse 3K peasant is I only play jungle


                    have you tried using promocode BSJ?


                      Promo code cukivhscschallenge


                        Well i just counterpick all the time when i was in 3k


                          Have u reached 3k yet?


                            im grinding to 4k as of now, 1st is communication with teammates! really need that, 2nd fill up the support role if no one else does, in normal skill hunt and pushed, mostly people tend to afk farm a lane


                              Taking objectives


                                I was never much of a pos 1, so I didn't get better with cookie's challenge (not saying I didn't get a lot out of it because I saw the entire game in a new light and now can support better because of it) but understand that 3k players play heroes that they see on youtube and can dominate if the line up is correct like the youtube videos. So what I'm doing is telling my team I will support but to let me pick last to get the best counter possible. Then I just use the dota counter picker website and pick the best match up and it usually works out pretty well. And you might not post your MMR, but we can see it on your dotabuff profile when you make a post or comment. You are at 2649 solo MMR at the moment. Don't say you're 3k when you're not physically there.


                                  ^ Wait...... people actually use that shit ?????


                                    which part?


                                      Use brain


                                        I can counter 2 or 3 heroes but I'm not the best at knowing which hero counters all 5 to a point and by how much. It's like using a guide on a new hero you want to try. You use the guide till you get a good feel for the hero and then you can make those calls.



                                            Just dont first pick pos 1 heroes


                                              Know when to AFK farm, Split Push, and when to fight. From what I can tell, that will come from watching replays and seeing "yeah, I coulda joined this fight and gotten a triple kill." Or something else.


                                                @4C as I posted above I am 3.1k ATM I haven't shown my mmr in months.


                                                  The secret is to main other than pos 1


                                                    ^I wonder how I got from 3k flat to 3.8k 🤔


                                                      Just kidding I actually slipped in some roaming and offlaning


                                                        just believe . like bws


                                                          Honestly, only reason that I want to start to focus on a certain role is so I can try to perfect it instead of being a "filler" player.
                                                          Obviously there will be times I will not get to safelane, but I am hoping I can get it as much as I can.