General Discussion

General DiscussionI once made 4 aghs in 30 minutes for teammates.

I once made 4 aghs in 30 minutes for teammates. in General Discussion

    But we still lost. I did that with only treads, radiance, qb. Was that a bad idea?

    < blank >

      Yes very bad
      You need to get your items first


        Rofl when i read the title i already know youre the one who posted it xD

        mr. rabbit

          i hate it when our alchemist goes full samaritan mode and starts pooling aghs while barely having any items himself


            Well did u give aghs to non aghs heroes? Lul


              @ken how'd you know it lmfao?
              @Jacked of course I didn't

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Aghs giving Alche should never happen unless ultra late game when you can't buy anything for yourself.

                Cheap Laugh Guy
                  이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                    I gave it to cm, skywrath, viper & lc

                    TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                      Those heroes have barely any game breaking value aghs upgrades


                        you gave lc an aghs before the game reached 30


                          i once made 5 aghs in 35 minutes

                          and 7 other items for myself


                            lmao no wonder u lost. they dont even have good aghs


                              LC agh xd

                              주 롄양

                                if u were post 5 then its gud


                                  I think the only way rushing aghs for allies works is if its its a core item for the hero. Like tiny for example. I vaguely remember some pro team rushing an aghs for the tiny while tiny built himself a butterfly. Problem is that tiny isn't that great at the moment.