General Discussion

General DiscussionSerious question, how do you actually single handedly win the game?

Serious question, how do you actually single handedly win the game? in General Discussion
Lahai Roi

    Lets assume that the player is good overall mechanically. They have great map awareness and farming patterns. They can win their lane. They are strong with the hero they play and have an extensive understanding of the mechanics of the game.

    Now how do you actually win the game on your own? How exactly do you just completely run over the enemy team and get shit tons of kills on them? Knowing all of the stuff I listed above doesn't let you do this.
    What if the enemy team starts 5 manning or turtling high ground?

    I just played this game as Lina:
    I basically just won my lane and killed all the tier 1 towers. Then I didn't know what to do so I just farmed and waited for my team to start doing shit. Then I was either split pushing or I joined them. Or I was just farming.
    I don't know what I could have possibly done to make the game end quicker. I just played very logically.

    meteor hammer

      understand what enemy heroes have stuns, what their stun cooldown is, where fogged enemies are likely to be, and how aggressive you can be. this is what lets u dive for kills or whatever, if u know how far you can push ur luck without dying ur gonna pick up kills when the enemy team makes positional errors which is going to happen

      to win the game rosh and either get the team to group around your strong hero that has aegis or get your team to fight 4v5 on one lane of their hg and rax them on another lane

      if ur ahead and ur a good hero you can probably just force 5v5 fights and win the game with aegis. if ur 1 item ahead on ta or pa or whatever you can probably kill the whole enemy team 1 by 1 with aegis. tinker its a little more dependent on ur team initiating or getting initiated on but very similar in terms of damage potential


        U know what triggers me? People don't know what to do and doesn't punish anyone after someone dies, they allow them to farm up and comeback, doesn't play around cooldowns, have no clue how their or enemy lineup works.


          dont buy shitty items maybe

          Lahai Roi




              the items that you bought are shitty

              Lahai Roi

                So, you want me to buy force staff/bkb/deso/silver edge?

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  silvers edge instead of dagger and mkb instead of aghs

                  Lahai Roi

                    I can understand silver edge but why would you get mkb. PA was irrelevant that game.

                    meteor hammer

                      because lina does a shitton of physical damage with items and also laser

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        She's right-clicker now
                        If you want to control the game, right-click ftw




                            Op is living in 2012




                                Buy right click items and hit buildings instead of shit like Agha.


                                One of the worst games I've played in my life but my Lina refused to let me drag her into the bin and just went right-click items and solo carried.

                                BSJ. LGD

                                  people should realize mids should go right click items by now right?