General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to actually gank?

How to actually gank? in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    If it's warded and guarded every lane's route and you can't guess the spot, and you're not invis hero, and you're a ranged squishy hero with no escape eg. Venge so you can't just cross the river and go high ground, what to do?

    I've thought about it but
    -At the river entrance, put a sen3 to try a deward even if you're not 100% sure where the ward is , then if there's no ward, you consider yourself not spotted and ward for high ground vision so you can gank from behind later.

    -Solo/Dou smoke gank (Because carries are in laning stage), but smoke is limited, how many times can I do that?

    because my so called ganks are whether sneaking from the side of the lane through those jungle openings or just walk straight up and cast everything before target gets to turn. Then there are games where we drafted lineup without initiators lvl1-lvl5 and these won't really work.



        u can actually tp at the t one tower hid inside trees and poof u can gank if he overextends


          Depends what hero you are, and what hero you are ganking/ what you can offer to the gank combines with allies you are ganking for.
          If you have a mid invoked who has cold snap and you are a hero who has a stun like sand king, it's almost a promised gank. Now let's say you are a defensive lane support like dazzle and your mid is medusa, facing an invoker. Most likely unless the invo messes up you won't get a kill with that combo.
          But always try to get a smoke if you can.


            There is a good item in the game, which im forced to buy AND explain to my team at 2.9k whichever position I play, otherwise they would never group up and punish afk farming 2ks.

            Its called

            SMOKE OF DECEIT

            also a stable of everyone that wants to gank for obvious reasons


              Why gank so early if the situation is not favourable? How about wait until you have Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger?

              Riguma Borusu

                Why gank so early if the situation is not favourable? How about wait until you have Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger?

                Yeah, an amazing idea, because you should start having impact on your support only past the 20th minute mark.

                *slow clap*

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