General Discussion

General Discussion4 years. 4982 matches. BlackXargon signing off.

4 years. 4982 matches. BlackXargon signing off. in General Discussion

    "so what now? is that all you're going to do the entire day?"
    - i wasn't able to get over with this line while losing a match last Saturday over at their place.
    lmao. biggest trash talk of my life right in front of my fucking face while in-game and about to lose.

    rage. tilt. triggered. sad life.

    i think this is goodbye dota.

    yes, go ahead and enjoy it for years.
    but when the lights come off and you see the end of the tunnel.

    you'll remember this line.
    in the end, it doesn't even matter.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    saving private RTZ





          what about your lovely thread !? u cant quit dora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I'm moving ahead boi


              yep. this might be it friends and foes. i just experienced the worst of dota for the past 3 days.
              and yes. mindset when playing has everything to do with it.
              i dont have reason anymore to play this game.

              i have offered 5k+ hours in this game for the past 4 years and this might be the end of it.

              there's no more enjoyment. just stress.

              better go live the real life and focus on my career, business and basketball while getting shit tons of money.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                fuck dota i swear.


                  Not sure if you know but dota 2 is just a game, mmr is just a member.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  basement :)


                      K bye


                        "is just a mmr is dendi" -Number


                          yes. seeing things in perspective now.

                          in the end, yes it doesn't even matter.

                          disgusting weebs

                            rofl thread

                            basement :)

                              yes. seeing things in perspective now.
                              in the end, yes it doesn't even matter.

                              The song was referring to your efforts.

                              That moment when I gain 100 mmr in a day.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              Lahai Roi

                                Ok fuck off you little bitch


                                  All right this is a saying that has been thrown around a lot in our community "You don't quit dota, you just take a break." You will be reinstalling and playing it again in no time.

                                  Yung Beethoven

                                    @BlackXargon: When i dropped 800 MMR i kinda felt the same. exhausted and stressed about the game. I kinda felt like i was going nowhere. Obviously i still had a great real life with my girlfriend and at the university, but still it kinda felt shallow.
                                    And you know what i did? I quit ranked matches for 4 months. It really helped me to just play the game for the fun. There was no anger after losing a game, but there was joy after winning one!

                                    maybe you should try this :)


                                      Lol good that I finally realised it. If only it didn't take you that Long to realise how pointless it all is


                                        It's summer dude - all the toxic kiddies have arrived...

                                        Uninstall, enjoy the sunshine and come back in September :-)

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          why u gotta go full emo over a game lol


                                            Like all rage quits, they'll find their way back after some calm.


                                              Dropping from 4k to 3k has a hazardous effect on your mental health


                                                oh wow summer break i never thought of it...explains a lot

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  ow lol blackxargon's 3k now, vertoxity is probably low 3k/high 2k then hahaa


                                                    welcome to 3k club



                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        B-but after nearly 5K games you just have 3K MMR,won't you feel regrade after this?

                                                        Look at me bro,just meme around by only jungling and never go to lane but climb so fast,I think you just put too much stress over some number,relex and have fun,I sure you will improve faster by that.Dota isn't that hard to learn.

                                                        And I feel great after I didn't really play for 3months+
                                                        I've achieve my goal and feel happy for it.

                                                        What will you reply if people ask why you quit Dota?'
                                                        It don't metter in the end because I lost 300MMR over a weekend and I can't get over it?'

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          moderation is the key

                                                          if you play 10+ games a day trying to grind mmr you're gonna have a bad time. pretty unhealthy too

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            You hit a milestone in life.


                                                              Dude you just went to 3,921, you can can still get to 4k, when i lost more than 1000 mmr and dropped to low 3k(3.5), i still managed to climb back somehow

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                In that mindset pretty much every form of entertainment is pointless then.


                                                                  3.9 is still decent but when you drop to <3.5, its basically SO difficult especially here in SEA




                                                                      cya in a week


                                                                        you can queue solo CM mode now thanks to the quest. maybe give that a try.


                                                                          u honestly are very bad player first cause of number of games u drop to 3k but its not a big deal

                                                                          i suggest u quit sooner or later u will must or u gona drop big things in life. wasting time in life when ur more than a tenager is dangerous.


                                                                            gl then


                                                                              u will reinstall soon


                                                                                I swear... I quited when 7.00 came out. Recently reinstalled to find out that mmr grinding is like chasing a rabiit, never ending story that pretty much makes your life sad, or at max average. Doto life is not for people that actually want to achieve something in life.

                                                                                Now im on a diet and back at the gym 6 days a week. What a relief I must say. I feel happy again. Nuff said about doto life.

                                                                                If you look for some challenging alternatives - try Bloodborne, exclusively on PS 4. Comparing to dota its a piece of cake(although seen as a very difficult game), but worth a try. Its that kind of game you play 2 hours and have enough.

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                basement :)

                                                                                  Recently reinstalled to discover that mmr grinding is like rabiit, never ending story that practically makes your life sad, or at maximum average.

                                                                                  Dota climbing is enjoyable for me currently. It only feels bad when I am procrastinating.

                                                                                  Doto life is not for people that actually want to achieve something in life.

                                                                                  I quit Dota during university and play during break. I agree. Competitive gaming is too consuming or distracting when there is work. Though, I still exercise and diet while playing Dota. Dota suppresses all my hunger because I am too focused to feel hunger, so I just have a big breakfast and eat nothing until the next day.

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                  ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                                    It's good to take a break.
                                                                                    Dont let dota enslave you. It's just a game. It's supposed to give you fun and joy, when it didnt, you should really take a break.

                                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                      It's summer, OP. It's best and worst time to play at the same time. The best because of the Ti and all the hype. The worst because the high school kids and their 2k - 3k teachers are shitting on people trying to improve.

                                                                                      GL HF


                                                                                        dentist werent u complaining about dota when u sucked hard. now 5k and everything is good?

                                                                                        Dead Game, Don't Care

                                                                                          Dude I'm not gonna stop you if that's what you are thinking. Go live your life.