General Discussion

General Discussioncan I move camera with keyboard arrow?

can I move camera with keyboard arrow? in General Discussion

    Hey guys I was woundring if moving the camera with keyboard arrows will effect my play? I use the arrows to move the camera and the mouse wheel up and down and mid for casting skills , this may sounds strange but i got used to it so I am I doing it wrong ?


      Dude I remember u made a thread a month ago about you being 800 mmr.... I think I found the problem....just play it with default settings its a 100 times do u even play like that rofl


        Ik it seems crazy but This is the best way for me to move the camera I don't feel comfort with edge panning LoL

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          You need to get rid of that if you wanna play better

          Yung Beethoven

            Indeed. You really need to change that. Some habits are hard to change and it needs a lot of time, but in the end you really get better


              its okay, stick with what you are comfortable with. its just a game. mmr is just a number.



                lol what

                it's just like how in rocket league you can play with controller or keyboard and yet all pros use controller. or like in ps4 fighting games you can use the controller or an actual fightpad and all pros use the fightpad...

                preference isn't important here if u wanna improve

                I can feel the adrenaline

                  I still use arrow keys for camera movement until now. I think its best to change in order to get better

                  I also want to change arrow keys since it I find it very hard and I want to improve but still I havent changed it until now and I dont know when I would change

                  < blank >

                    I play with WASD camera and i reached 5k from 700 mmr

                    Do what works for you


                      I don't move camera at all, I just afk in base and then meditate to raise aura awareness of my teammates, they get raise 2k in skill overall, so don't moving camera is best and fastest way to change your mmr...

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        I tried playing WASD but I find it confusing to swap between Q and W is it normal ? i mean will I get used to it , also do u allow edge panning?


                          the 2 ways r usually drag screen and edge pan


                            Ok and btw which camera deceleration speed is the best for edge panning and screen draging