General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't play position 4, any tips?

Can't play position 4, any tips? in General Discussion

    I like playing earth spirit, IO, Visage and slardar but in my bracket, i cant seem to play these heroes as pos 4 even though i first picked and someone would pick a jungler or pick pudge and says go full support so i end up playing hard support

    Any suggestion on how to play pos 4? OR how TO FORCE your teammates to let you play position 4


      Mute player with no help. Carry can buy ward


        Might as well just spam meta heroes now, teammates are hopeless


          play with ur friend, that's the solution


            My friends switched to LoL.


              then he isnt your friend

              Story Time

                My friends switched to LoL.



                  put the hero marker on your jungle during picking phase


                    I've tried that, my teammates were like "OKAY lets ALL GO CORE" even though i said "i will help support"

                    Then people would say stffu jungler picker, its really dumb i mean WHO would even play jungle IO and es

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Put the marker and click every lane including enemy jungle so the hero icon moves around, indicating you're a roamer.


                        don't pick first. Let someone pick a hard support first, then you pick. Ez. But most of those heroes you suggested is meta, so you might find yourself just having a hard time anyway. People get so stuck in their ways saying they have to play THEIR heroes and not change in a game that is all about change.


                          Yes i know that those heroes are good but now i realized most people in my bracket dont realize those heroes' potential when played as position 4


                            What's your bracket?
                            Sometimes the best option is to tag jungle and wait someone in your team pick a "baby sitter" support before you pick.
                            In my bracket sometimes when my team have 2 roammers instead of flaming each other, me and the other roammer team up and roam all the lanes together, you sacrifice a little your 1 pos, but if you succeed in the ganks your mid and offlaner can snowball the game.
                            And don't go out of your hero confort zone, if you pick one of those heroes you mentioned, even if you don't have a hard sup, play as you're the 4 pos, if you don't master a hero and play him out of the confort zone you can end up frustated.
                            If my team don't have a dedicated sup i like to pick a hard sup intead of a roammer, it will make you tilt less in this kind of match.
                            Hope it will help you.


                              Im in the most toxic mmr bracket aka 4k mmr bracket


                                @-Ramza- thanks for your suggestion, i got really frustrated when i lost to a person whom i challenged to a race to get to 4.5k mmr, now he is 4.6k.

                                those heroes that i mentioned are the heroes that i always play when im with and against 5k-6k mmr acquaintances and i have high win rate when i play those heroes against them.

                                So should i continue to spam those heroes here in 4k or am i better off playing those heroes when i play with high mmr acquaintances??


                                  In your bracket i believe that the problem is that everybody thinks they're the stars of the team.
                                  In this scenario i'll look after the most cooperative players of the team and play along with then, no matter the lane. I Believe that way your impact in the game will trully shine.
                                  And as i said before, i believe you'll succeed if you play roammer as 4 pos no matter what the rest of the team pick.
                                  Instead of sacrifice your time baby sitting, do the support role when it's possible, if it's not, go gank someone or ward the first objetive you want to take with your team.
                                  Worst than a teammate with a bad start is 2 teammates with a bad start.


                                    Insta pick SB and mark enemys jungle


                                      Yes i always gank as a support, i also specifically stated that im playing pos4, really rare nowadays to get matched with a teammate who wants to play support


                                        I Believe spam a hero only works when you play core, because that way you have the networth to adapt your build for each scenario, as pos 3 and below i think you must change every game to synergize with your team.


                                          I insta pick earth spirit and mark enemy jungle, but doesnt work, still pos 5 es,
                                          Potato marshal insta picks sb and marks jungle and gets to play as pos 4, and our mmr bracket is the same.
                                          I guess its because of peoples' lack of knowledge about earth spirit and other complex supports


                                            And about how to play or pick in 5~6k bracket, i can't help you, it's way out of my league.


                                              @ramza, i used to spam core and was successful with it and got to 4.8k, but as i continued to spam core, i started to loss mmr because people know how to counter.


                                                I Think Pro players pub games affect too much the way our bracket sees the game, anything else that doesn't match that "pub meta" they don't understand.
                                                i have 340 matches as earth spirit, i know how hard is to explain to your toxic core that you only have 6 remnants and it's a 30 sec cd for each one.


                                                  Silencer is the best way mate


                                                    Yes you are right, as a fellow es spammer, when you play es hard support, you use up remnants faster than when you play es pos 4 because pos 4 es have force staff/blink,

                                                    example situation, you have no more stone remnants, your core went too deep to attempt a kill, but died and blames you for not stunning,

                                                    Then you say cd stone remnant, and then core says "so what, you have mana noob"


                                                      i like to play pos 4 sometimes and if i go first pick then the other 4 di.kheads go for jungler, carry, mid and offlaner and i go from pos 4 to pos 45... bitch support and roamer.. i found solution but its not working always.. if u wait to pick second or third the other players will be like "wtf they dont want to pick.. ok i guess im going first pick support" then you can go second pick roam and thats it :D but sometimes they are like "ok they dont want to pick.. im going first pick mid" x) :/


                                                        In worst cases. a retard with autism, brain damage, and low IQ, and attitude problem would first pick lc and insist on going jungle.

                                                        I think its about the misconception of people about pos 4 and 5


                                                          The number of players in 3k bracket that don't know what position means scares me.
                                                          And about first pick mid, yep, invoker first pick everytime...


                                                            If you want to pick pos 4 mark enemy jungle and w8 for support pick. If you teammates pick jungle before you its only your fault you play pos 4 hard support, because you could pick support.


                                                              Try to pick around your team or have your team pick around you.
                                                              Pos 4 roaming is best when you can pull of combos early game
                                                              Examples: kunka mid with Mirana roaming
                                                              Earthshaker offlane with pudge roaming.
                                                              Or the classic spacecow roaming +any other hero


                                                                I first pick IO, one of my teammate pick jugg, the other pick injoker, what the heck where is the combo there??

                                                                GRANT MACDONALD

                                                                  First pick. Mark enemy jungle. Tell team you are roam/pos 4