General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you lane against Underlord offlane?

How do you lane against Underlord offlane? in General Discussion

    The hero's got a very high win rate in almost all brackets. How do you lane against him as a carry?
    Vs Underlord or plus 1.. Carries which are good against him? And playstyle in general to secure decent farm against his atropy aura ?

    What to do in ultra hopeless case against him where you are a carry against underlord plus 1 and they block the pull camps and where u cant rely on your support to do anything useful as well.


      send the support away. he always pushes lane pretty hard so just farm under tower. It's not that bad to 1v1 him considering sometimes 2v1 is just as useless.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        @Milad any decent player wont push the lane as underlord in 1v1 situation and just outfarms and outlevels carry due to atrophy aura
        @Mid only id say the best thing you can do is really focus on zoning him out early, hes shit in lane in his first levels
        i dont have much experience with him yet, but im spamming him currently so maybe later i can give you some better advice what is pain in the ass to lane against


          @dad touched my banana
          I could be wrong since I haven' played against high MMR Underlord but from the little info I have on him:
          His Aura makes your creeps weaker causing a pushed lane. he cant zone you out considering he is melee and has no damaging ability, and his only ability to damage you causes the wave to be pushed too. in my experience (mostly as AM) against him, He uses his firestorm to farm the lane while I get the last hits under tower, and it's a satisfying farm for an offlane so nobody's complaining. I don't think there's any point in having a support with you since he can get the farm he needs with firestorm anyways. He's not a great harasser, just a good offlane who can get his farm through even a bad lane. It's nothing a pms+creep aggro can't fix. Try laning against a Silencer to see what bad 1v1 looks like xd

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            underlord with lvl 1 atrophy is fast and tanky, he just gets boots and can run at any melee hero and hit them for 90-100 dmg lvl 1 if they try to approach the creep wave


              As underlord I struggle against strong trilanes that can punish my posturing. 1v1 is mostly ez cause you can push the lane easily and then just pull big camp denying every 3rd wave and then eventually clearing the stacks and pushing the tower with +100 dmg from aura. So yeah strong tri or duo.


                i hate offlane players


                  Maybe silencer, sniper

                  also jdf8

                    dont stack the lg camp and let him kil it with q lols


                      Just lose the lane and hope he doesn't do much with his spells all game


                        Play safelane timber


                          I've been spamming Underlord a lot lately. You want a support/carry in your lane with a lot of magic damage. Juggernaut + CM is pretty strong. You'll kill the Underlord 1-3 times, but he's still going to draw even with you in the lane due to his amazing wave clear/fallback to jungle and stack.


                            Magic damage is the solution bro.
                            Jug is good, orb is also good, like huskar and OD

                            also jdf8

                              u guys are talking like 9% or whatever damage reduction is enouch to keep something like slark from eating him with help

                              basement :)

                                I played some Underlord off lane recently. There really is no beating Underlord unless he is zoned out completely by 2 supports. Once he gets level 3, he can just keep pushing the lane. If the carry chooses to gank the Underlord instead of last hit, the carry loses farm from the creeps dying under tower, so it is not even bad. Once Underlord is level 5, it is pointless to gank him.


                                  trilanes are rare in 3k below. hence you are all fuckd


                                    Guys I still didnt the answer. So how do you counter underlord in lane?
                                    I guess he is pretty much un-counterable.




                                        As a fellow underlord spammer I struggle the most against slark. Other than that any Trilane with stuns gives me a very hard time. Whoever is suggesting allowing a safelane to 1vs1 me is gravely mistaken. I will firestorm when my creeps get low and run at you with over 100 base damage if you even think of trying to last hit under my storm.

                                        jugg with a stunning support.
                                        Luna is also an option but not as threatening as the others.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          Thanks GAFF