General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with Sniper?

How to deal with Sniper? in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    So I've had some recent games against sniper. And that guy is so annoying to deal with. And i feel he's overpowerd af. Sure hes squishy but if you can't get to him he will destroy you and your family for 3 generations.

    Can't even win against that shit in bot games... I was 34 9 with like 7 deaths from that sniper xD

    He got an ultrakill at like 35 mins and then a rampage at 40 mins. Feelsbadman. Bots OP.
    Sure I know i suck, don't need to tell me. But some tips on how to deal with him would be nice.

    I was playing QOP btw. So I felt like he shouldn't have been an issue. But even if i got close i would just get rightclicked to death. Halberd wasn't an option cuz he had manta. And you don't really get it on qop anyway i think? but what do i know xD




          If you're a QOP then you should get close and ruin sniper every fight before he has enough items to right click you to death when you jump on him. Don't wait for him to get farmed and then try deal with him.
          Also halberd cant be dispelled by anything. Not even manta or bkb. But rather get scythe of vyse than halberd on QOP

          Potato Marshal

            Even against unfair bots, there's something incredibly wrong with your playstyle if you're having trouble winning against them. Can't really give much advice since I have no idea what you did, or how you did during the match.

            Dark Hunter

              Well I won mid,(idfk how you would lose mid against bots) then went ganking got a 12 killstreak before i died once. But yeah. Sniper always barely got away somehow. Couldn't really towerdive. Then at about 15 mins they start grouping up. Got orchid first item, probably shoudlve went for bkb instead cuz i kept getting stunned. Sniper kept getting kills before i could kill him. Its just hard to kill him if his entire team is backing him up.


                You lost to bots?

                Ok then.

                Your secret for dealing with Sniper is to get better at DotA.


                  No advice would help. If you can't deal with bots you should quit.

                  sumail fan

                    its just his playstyle. avoid trading hits with him unless you are SURE you can tank his shrapnel and headshots. To win mid, you need to push the wave and not go anywhere near him. In the midgame and onwards, he is at risk whenever he engages in a battle since he is a zero mobility hero, with zero defensive abilities or escapes. You wait till he shows himself and then go ham on him. Works no matter what hero you are playing.

                    Potato Marshal

                      The bot doesn't even know how to play sniper, he literally just spams all his shrapnel charges in the same area. They didn't even bother changing his AI when they reworked shrapnel.


                        gap closers

                        invis heros

                        initiating and not being initiated on, so that he cant position himself in the backline


                          dude, i beat bots with invoker, u can tell how shit they are
                          what level bots were they?


                            Gap closers


                              spirit breaker, pa, clinkz are really good against sniper (imo clinkz is best, nothing feels better than melting a sniper in three seconds)

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                Slark is good against sniper


                                  I get 1k gpm and rampage against unfair bots every time, unless I play support heroes.


                                    Nobody mention Storm Spirit?

                                    Super Senko-san Time

                                      Ban him


                                        I won bots with od in 15min. 2 shot everyone

                                        Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                          pick clockwerk

                                          green brocolli

                                            spec is a good counter