General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on how to build spec vs a snowballing meepo?wa

Tips on how to build spec vs a snowballing meepo?wa in General Discussion

    Yesterday I faced a meepo who got a pretty quick blink dagger and then rushed sheepstick.
    I went phase boots, urn into blademail then rad.
    By the time I finished rad the meepo had sheepstick and was snowballing harder. I decided to get a heart just to tank up if I was caught out or focused, but now that I think about it, there had to have been a better pick up.
    Any ideas?


      Try early midas (since she can't farm well). and also Manta on Spectre is almost as good and necessary as Manta on AM. level 20 talent already gives her enough HP. I wouldn't call your build wrong especially in a losing game. but best defense is the offense. Haunt on sole heroes, Manta, and burst down, then haunt to the next. with a heart and blademale youre very passive. and barely a threat. Manta also gives a good dispel and dodge and boosts your farming when you have a radiance.

      I like Eye of Skadi over Heart considering she needs the agility to hit faster with desolate.


        bm is kind of a waste against meepo, same for radi, it would make sense to skip it and go for vg/diffu/manta into smthng else (butter-skadi i think) kind of build
        i dont think midas works here, its an awful comeback item on spectre

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          radi is good, bm is shit


            Got you guys, so I should have skipped blade mail and rushed rad into manta.
            I felt that meepo was my only problem that game, vg manta difussal could have saved the game as well.
            Ty for tips

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              Got you guys, so I should have skipped blade mail and rushed rad into manta.

              i also thought this
              seems u figured it out

              Potato Marshal

                BM is bad because all of Meepo's damage is divided between 4-5 different heroes, and each individual Meepo doesn't do enough damage to make the damage reflection matter. Radiance I'm not really sure on, the aoe damage is great, and the evasion is also really good since Meepo can't really counter evasion. This is also one of the few match ups I would think that Spec should get an early BKB.

                Meepo is tricky for Spec because of the aforementioned reason with blademail. Spec usually can outcarry most other heroes by just tanking up and reflecting a huge chunk of damage through dispersion, but Meepo's damage is divided 4-5 ways. Definitely go more offensive items, because a conventional spec build is not going to work against Meepo.




                    Yeah I think I was looking at the game wrong. We lost majority of lanes and I automatically went to building defensive items that are okay for other heroes but not meepo.
                    I do not get the chance to play against many good meepo players so I have to figure out how to beat them.


                      dispersion is good against meepo cuz it spreads dmg to all 4
                      like dmg 1 meepo does goes to all 4 not just back to the same 1 meepo
                      for that reason blademail isnt as good
                      manta is kinda needed to get out of root and escape with dagger before he comboes u
                      after that i wud just get heart and butterfly

                      Potato Marshal

                        I'm pretty sure dispersion only reflects damage to each individual Meepo and not to all of them.


                          So if the good defense is offensive
                          Daedalus for Spec ia good?

                          Potato Marshal

                            Spec does no physical right click damage, so daedalus is useless. The bonus damage from desolate is pure and won't crit. If you want to do more damage, you're better off getting attack speed items.

                            i have 5 reports to use

                              Shivas and force staves counters Meepo pretty hard


                                @Potato Marshal

                                Dispersion reflects damage in an AoE

                                Is Radiance actually a good suggestion against a snowballing Meepo? Wouldn't that hero be able to close the game before slow-farmer Spectre is able to get a Radiance?


                                  radiance is too good to pass up


                                    bm solar crest radi


                                      Urn, yasha, diffu, bkb, basher imo


                                        Its actually quite a horrible matchup for the Spectre. Sure dispersion is good because it will reflect damage to all the meepos, but generally meepo should be able to end the game before you get tanky enough for that to matter. Desolate is completely useless since multiple meepos will always cancel it. Dagger wont really help you run since you'll be trapped in a net. Haunt is okay but does limited damage before you get items.

                                        I feel that if the meepo and spectre are equal skill, the meepo should always win if he snowballs, unless he makes a mistake or if Spectre's team can deal with him. Spectre alone probably cant do enough to stop him before he wins the game.

                                        casual gamer

                                          eb is the 4d chess item


                                            spectre vs meepos pretty sad because meepo will end in 20 minutes rofl

                                            зачем я начал поиск


                                              If it's actually a snowballing Meepo vs Spectre, then you just lose.

                                              Why would Meepo let you farm anything up? Your ancient would fall at 20-25 mins.

                                              Lastpick Meepo/Broodmother into a pick without any direct counters is an autolose, assuming equal skill level and proper hero skills, you lose all rax by 20-25. Period.

                                              I'd only hope for that Meepo to fuck up, otherwise there's literally nothing you can do.

                                              So, yea, I'd go for the Shadow Amulet + Blink Dagger build in such a game.

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                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                I'm pretty sure you don't pick spectre when they have Meepo. She takes too long to come online, all Meepo literally needs is Treads, Dragon Lance, Blink dagger by 10 minutes, then she's dead every time he gets on top of her for the next 10-15 minutes (10:00 to 20/25:00) if she doesn't have haunt available. (if he decides to go sheep first, even more so) Same thing with Anti Mage, look at Meepo's " best versus " on DotaBuff, AM is at the top.

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