General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you determine which item to get first between Phase Boots and ...

How do you determine which item to get first between Phase Boots and Vlad on Ursa? in General Discussion



      vlads on that hero is bad


        Naked morbid


          and what is the alternative item for lifestealing if not Vlad?



            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Orb of Venom + Wind Lace is so good on this hero

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Depend on your play style,don't listen to advice like x is bad y is good.

                Naked Vlad is bad?I always do that.

                SB Ursa is bad?It's my only play style with him and I got 59+% win rate rise with it from 3.7K to 4.6K.

                Most player stuck in 2-3K because they blindly follow pro's build while didn't really understand the reason behind each build


                  how is naked vlad better than phase and mask?


                    @op what lane ursa are u talking about?

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^^IT IS better for me.
                      But you are not me.
                      and I am not you.
                      and I am not 2K.
                      and you are not 5K.
                      and we are not together.
                      So why will you want my answer?
                      Even I give you my answer you won't be able to play like me.
                      Why don't you be you?
                      and I'll be me.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        because i want your opinion and to hear a 5k mmr players reasoning as to why you would make this otherwise inferior build.
                        is it because you want armor against the early roshan? is it really relevant?
                        i do not even play ursa

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          your lane power increases a lot after phase. lice tea may get naked vlads because he jungles.


                            you usually get lifesteal. vlads is good because it lets u solo rosh, otherwise just go deso if you can coordinate with ur team more

                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                              cmon guys vlads is superior to afk farm jungle faster


                                the alternative is MOM


                                  ok if u are mid u go bottle phase
                                  if you are jungle you go mask phase with raindrops and claritys. u can go vlads after
                                  if you are safe laning you go phase asap . if the offlaner gives up you can go lifesteal first to farm the hard camp more. not sure if its worth though.
                                  naked vlads is bad and dumb regardless of mmr

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    Mask of Madness? what the hell???


                                      I like to go offlane as ursa, forgot to tell you.

                                      It's 3k there so not everybody there give a shit who to lane against with right?


                                        well it kinda fell out of the meta but u farm really fast with it. even with vlads i need a constant stream of clarities. i havent figured out how to manage my mana pool on this hero.

                                        trust me i have been spamming ursa on my vhs smurf


                                        always go phase first, then the real question is do you go vlads, or blink next. i dont think u ever just get a casual mask.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          jacked = diox, confirmed.


                                            yeah mom is terrible on ursa now with the new silence effect
                                            if you are dual offlane go phase if solo offlane go lifesteal


                                              if you're offlane ursa, in 3k, it hardly makes a difference. then definitely go phase otherwise ur toast. MAYBE u go hood then phase if ur cuckd


                                                magic resistance talent and hood :thinking:

                                                That might help him a bit if he ever goes up against a massive magic line up.


                                                  hood as in the component to vlads. i forgot what its called




                                                      MoM used to be meta on ursa, with phase, MoM, and windlace ursa wud have max move speed
                                                      now its shit
                                                      even as mid i go boots then bottle
                                                      i usually skip vlads, naked morbid mask, and rush blink dagger into basher or deso, then usually bkb or linkens or abyssal or other shit, whatever i need
                                                      i dumpster people with ursa in my bracket

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        Vlad sync best for my SB build Ursa because 2nd->SB->1st->2nd gonna use alot mana,and possible I will have to SB to run or chase enemies again after these combo,so mana regen is essential for my Ursa style


                                                          please tell me why are you getting early vlads for the mana when u can just go raindrops and clarity

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            ^Because I like clean slot 😃

                                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                                              A little bit more tanky also as I always like to dive deep to enemies tower at about 8mit mark,jacked would know my crazy dive play style


                                                                so u rather get armor than more movespeed to dive towers, very interesting.


                                                                  glad to have gotten a peek into the mind of a 5k jungle player.

                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    I come from darkness of wood and that time I would have down RS and got Phase,Vlad,btw I tank tower so my teammate won't be afraid to dive with me hahahahah

                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      EZ 4K HAHAHAHAH


                                                                        Honestly licetea if u just learned dota 2 I think u cud become 6-7k
                                                                        Instead u play some weird fantasy ass game and still have success meaning ur potential is way higher


                                                                          Vlads first item wut face dota 1 feels