General Discussion

General DiscussionPhase Drums Necrobook Invoker?

Phase Drums Necrobook Invoker? in General Discussion

    I remember about 3-4 years ago invokers used to go necrobook always to split push alacrity necrobook and forge spirits. I am no invoker expert but I'm just wondering what happened to that build? Is it still viable? I think it could be very interesting to push incredibly fast with necrobook with alacrity being buffed so much.

    chicken spook,,,,

      Necrobook in 2017


        >play style changed
        >too expensive
        >can be caught easily

        1-IceTea 🌟

          and no more ez 2 forge spirit


            necro warriors bounty is fucking huge

            sumail fan

              i tried. you can try too, but thing is with that build Invoker isnt the aoe teamfight monster he could be. Might as well play beastmaster or lycan if you solely want that strat.


                haHAA no


                  Nah. Necro troll is legit tho