General Discussion

General DiscussionSafelane freefarm

Safelane freefarm in General Discussion

    I've watch some 6k/7k/8k games and in 1 game out of 2, the safelaner is alone, free farming while there is no offlaner against him or this one is jungling.

    Why ? What's the point to let the carry free farming ?


      because you die otherwise

      because the support did his job and


        Play offlane, you will see why.

        Potato Marshal

          People actually know how and when to stack and pull at that MMR.


            Play offlane in 6/7/8 k games and u will understand why. Lol.


              People in lower mmr are terrible at laning and you can get away with shit that in higher brackets get punished. Against a well played trilane properly contesting the offlane requires a strong lane combo or a dedicated solo offlane, even against lots of dual lanes contesting can be difficult. This means that often players take the safe option of leaving the safelane to freefarm as its better to not contest and not die while you secure some xp/gold roaming/jungling than feed the enemy carry trying to 'contest' him.


                Just wait for dumb carry to push and you will farm safely on tower. Then goto jungling with Midas


                  thats sounds right.

                  thanks @mason fanboy

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    well, i mean you have the option of feeding a 3lane 50 deaths OR just going to the jungle and getting farm


                      usually in 1k even if u have a rlly hard lane to stand in, these dumbfucks will shove the lane to u so u can get some free xp under tower
                      not true in higher mmr's