General Discussion

General DiscussionSo i am starting to play visage

So i am starting to play visage in General Discussion

    I have fun with the hero, and want to play him as a mid, for any visage players what are the best items for him?
    I usually go ring of bassilus> phase boots> solarcrest> then I get lost with items.
    I have tried out pipe and it made me super tanky
    I have gone deso for more dps
    I've also gone orchid for hard to lock down enemies.

    So far from practicing him I have lost a couple games, but I do believe if I was better at the hero and knew the hero more I could have stomped.
    any tips pls


      Aghs to setup even more stuns, mjollnir is pretty good after solar crest too, and you can finish on ac + bloodthorn


        And don't forget your promocode tho


          there was like 5 threads about visage in past week


            ben is a hoe


              trilane mid



                midlane visage at about 4k average mmr

                playing mid visage is all about snowballing in which i feel atos is great for that hence i get it.

                chicken spook,,,,

                  Atos sounds good.
                  Just got crushed by an agh rushing visage but then it's probably because I haven't played much against him to really know how to play around him.

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                    Treads/tranqs ... I prefer tranqs cuz u slow af and u deal really low base damage so attack speed is meh....then midas>medallion>aghs>crest>atos then its situational... but my go to items were ac halbred shivas hex...I some times get deso when our team really lacks damage...but most of the time u can get a faster aghs and just send familiars to solo kill supports and squishy heroes


                      Dont get phase please you are not supposed to be right clicking anything you send gamiliars to deal damage and soul assumption from far away....its treads/tranqs/bootsoftravel

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                        I still think that support visage is better

                        rice cake

                          For Visage mid, follow Parte's build he wrote on this thread I follow his way of mid visage and gain ez mmr. Still, visage supp is a beast tho.

                          rice cake

                            Also u need to work on your micro to pull the stuns while doing something else as your hero


                              Got reckt by a visage mid couple of day ago. I believe you take tower as soon as you have ulti and rosh then you end the game


                                Shouldn't you definitely get aghs


                                  i no longer start with basilus for this hero after tranquil recipe change. I used to diassembe it to sage mask and ring of protection to make medallion + tranquil. And solar is a waste of money, stay with medallion. Desolator is as useful as aghs. It adds more familiar power overall and tower damage unlike medal/solar or orchid But you need more disables than familiar damage. Also i see no reason to get phase boots.

                                  @fx never do that, visage will start going rampage in map after lvl 6 because visage does not have the luxury to push his lane, as he will lose all of his familiar charges before being able to attack enemy tower, and another wave of creeps will arrive so neither you nor your creeps can damage the tower and you will be very vulnerable because you will not have any familiar charges to defend you and you're next to enemy tower. Even if you did attack the tower with full familiar charges, you could only damage %10-%20 of tower's health You will instead deny your creeps and make their creeps push so enemy midder cannot get any farm and kill if enemy midder gets close to the lane

                                  @corgi cool!

                                  @jacked no