General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's going on with matchmaking recently?

What's going on with matchmaking recently? in General Discussion
Potato Marshal

    For the past 2-3 days I've been getting really weird games in terms of MMR distribution. I'm playing all pick on ranked in SEA as usual, but for some reason I've been matched up with players as high as 5.7k and players as low as 3.8k lately.

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      Because playerbase is constantly getting lower since 7.00 patch.

      Its 100k players on average less online at a given time comparing to last year. So matchmaking system start seeking within wider variety of mmrs.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Potato Marshal

        I can't imagine the playerbase being small enough to match people more than 1k apart. This match I was near the bottom in terms of MMR and was matched up with mostly 5k players, the highest being the Treant and Axe who were 5.7k.


          This situation will occur more often and is directly connected with lower playerbase. Keep in mind system matches you with people acutally searching for game, together with low traffic and other factor like late in the night = mmr spread. Just look at high mmr games and mmr distribution. Your situation is quite rare though. Be happy you can play against such people. :) You will see how much you lack in terms of skill.


            where you in a stack?

            I noticed when you play with someone 1k higher then you in a stack it tries to mirror it for the other team.


              Its a solo game. You can see there are no people matched together.

              chicken spook,,,,

                The option to split up party games and solo also comes into play.


                  lex, you are wrong

                  it started only 3 days ago, when there was a patch that broke something.

                  my 6.3 constantly finding 4.9-5.3 average to be point that i find it meaningless to queue anymore. i dodged total 9 games.

                  i end up playing ti rank now, till they fix it.


                    Potato Marshal

                      New record high, I'm in a solo queue match now with a player with 5859 MMR.


                        the new system shows the swing + mixed mmr included instead of the actual mmr,
                        Also the Int ranked que makes it extra odd

                        Livin' Real Good

                          Yeah, you're right, i'm 4.7 and get the wildest games now, like 5.7k players, and as low as 4.1K average games with 3.9K players.

                          Either way, my 5.7k is a rager, or my 3.9ker is a feeder who calls mid and has a name like " mid only player ty god bless. "

                          This is regular RMM and strict solo que enabled by the way.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            Don't 5ks constNtly get matched with 4ks lol


                              How i miss getting matched with toxic 5ks that think that they control the game.