General Discussion

General Discussionat what mmr will ppl start to realise you suddenly disappeared from t...

at what mmr will ppl start to realise you suddenly disappeared from the safelane and should be doing rosh? in General Discussion

    as ursa


      i alwas get so nervous but no one fucking realises it


        in 1k bracket ursa is jungling xD


          4k of course


            im doubtful about 4ks. they probably dont realise too. they only know about the 2nd rosh

            Potato Marshal

              4k it's kind of a yes or no, everybody's like "he's probably roshing, but I don't want to miss last hit/lane exp". They'll occasionally ping, but nobody goes in.

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                around mid 3k


                  3k-4k you start to get players who know
                  4k-5k more player know and you start to get contested
                  5k+ rare that someone out of the enemy team doesn't know and mostly you will get contested.

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    ^how would u know if ure not even 3k


                      I came back from the future.


                        below 4k never


                          in 1k i can never know cuz these fuckers are literally always missing, usually jungling or ganking.
                          i check rosh and it ends up being kinda like a lucky guess.


                            Buy a smoke that is worth about one last hit and try your luck glhf


                              5.5k? idk, it also depends on how you do it
                              for eg sometimes the situation allows for you to give the safe lane to your support for levels while you jungle, then that would be less obvious


                                At 2k you regularly find one person who will camp rosh when ursa is off the map. That person is usually me.


                                  I actually don't think mmr matters for this.
                                  Last night mid one was the only player worried about an enemy huskar roshinh while his team (6-8k players) would forget they had a huskar. Husk got rosy twice in a 7k avg game because the team would just forget.