General Discussion

General DiscussionDO U think that random should be removed from ranked!?

DO U think that random should be removed from ranked!? in General Discussion

    Or at least make random only possible once per team


      Where's the fun in that.


        Where's the fun in that.

        The fun part is you dont have to abandon and get to play until the end of the game.


          Yeah it should and people don't fucking play ranked for fun.

          chicken spook,,,,

            Disabling random post 2nd pick seems okay.


              Yeah i know right, only one random per team, like in that link i posted, 2 randomed cores leads to tilt cause i had to play solo support visage


                Yeah it should and people don't fucking play ranked for fun.

                If your not enjoying it then stop playing, ffs why would people do something they aren't enjoying in their free time.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  @happydonut i think that he meant that people should not play ranked for the trolls and fun but play it more seriously


                    Singsing will be sad or maybe he'll just leave dota 2


                      Most people fail to realize dota is a team game, they put so much on solo ranked it sad, solo ranked isn't serious dota lol.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        yes it should be removed. Random 90% of the times in my experience is something like that:

                        1) shit... core position i wanna play is called for
                        2) gets a support
                        3) REROLL
                        4) gets core
                        5) me MID/HC/OFF
                        6) playing with a hero that is outside of your comfort zone and doing poorly


                          ^yes the most difficult part is when you already have 3 cores and one guy randoms and gets another core, games where i had to abandon...

                          basement :)

                            Most people fail to realize dota is a team game

                            Randoming outside of first pick is a selfish move. Even then, the sets up the player to get counter-picked. Randoming is not a team move.


                              I love a random first pick support.

                              OH man I have so much gold to buy all the sents , courier, tangos for mid ,wards,

                              maybe even a OOV or Windlace

                              the dream :dac15_cool:

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                This and bring back 25 random heroes banned in ranked All Pick only.

                                Or disable ranked all Pick and make Captain's the default mode


                                  No, mmr is also ability to adapt around different (random) heroes.


                                    ^ by that definition no changes should be ever made because MMR is already reflective of every variable that goes into ranked matchmaking


                                      Yeah. People random a core they don't know then feed the game away majority of the team.
                                      Or I get a random meepo/chen

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        would be pretty sick if itwas removed from solo rm altogether, first pick random is also terrible because it fucks up ppls preset lanes/u may random an easily counterable hero or shit like chen brood

                                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                            they already removed randoming for the last person, so that's a start. But I believe they should remove randoming for an entirely different reason; the extra 200 gold at the start of the game is actuallly OP. If you're someone who is extremely versatile with hero pool, you could just random every damn game and play accordingly, with the bonus of a significant lvl 1 item advantage.
                                            My favorite strat if I have to support: random, buy lvl 1 bottle and give to mid, watch him obliterate the lane, enjoy from there. Or for carries, how the hell are offlaners supposed to fight a lvl 1 PMS tango+ 4 branches? XD


                                              yes please....i dont get mad at randoms anyway but i can see a couple ways where it can be totally game losing


                                                but what would we do when we see 3 cores and a jungler already marked?

                                                100% WINRATE MASTER

                                                  This is a game. If u cant have fun, whats the point of playing it? Time when there should not be random are competitions only

                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    I troll and meme all my way to 5K2 by only jungle and I typed 'HAHAHAHAHA NOOB SHIT TEAMMATE I WON 1v9 AGAIN'

                                                    I troll teammates I troll enemies,it's so fun so what's wrong in that?

                                                    Btw I random ES and jungling with him,build SE/Armlet/Vlad,2hit enemie's support HAHAHAHAHA


                                                      What some people consider "fun" are not fun to most people, and people would think of it as "game ruining"


                                                        i would remove that shit asap.

                                                        or if you random and win you still get 25mmr but if u lose you get -50

                                                        100% WINRATE MASTER

                                                          Well, those that ruin games by randoming are just bad players. Even if they do not random and pick carefully, u will still lose the game of dota2. Random has nth to do with losing, just blame ur luck for having unskilled players.

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            I don't often random but when I do,it's because of tapping out for manga ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                              No, it shouldn't be removed.


                                                                Rank should only be all random.