General Discussion

General DiscussionI wish people playing dota can be less toxic amen.

I wish people playing dota can be less toxic amen. in General Discussion

    It just a game,dont blame. dont talk too much. just play your best.

    < blank >

      you're right, i would abandon immediately if i get you in the same team


        its only possible to be less toxic when u dont know anything about the game in 1-2k


          we play the best, thats its win or lose.just move on. i wish dota community can be less toxic. and my last game pudge abandon bcoz he so mad at lion not supporting. they both quarrel whole game. try to calm them, but no point.


            i am 1.1, i climb till here. and im so satisfy with my 2k. i hate playing with toxic people. i had enough, and today is the day. two times meet toxic people. we lose, big deal. whose care about lose, just play your best.


              Toxic people can bring your mood down and make bad choices during the match, but if you also don't care about winning you're not that different.
              Don't take it wrong, but if you don't care, you don't now how this impact in competitive players. Your calls or decisions in game can be reckless because if you lose, it doen't matter. But for the other 4 in your team can be a huge thing.
              People actually study this game to get better, this way you can put all that effort in vain.


                i get it, but at 0 mark alredy start flaming, that something wrong man.


                  who dont want to win, everyone want, but that not justify u as human being can be a jerk.


                    If you don't like the way they're communicating mute them.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Indeed, this happens all the time, most of because this game is so complex that it have lot's of ways to abord a match, and the people who can't understand it think everyone is trying to bring him down or are completely dumb.
                      But it's not the case


                        dota is team game, the only thing normal skill like us is lack off is team spirit. who give a damn about meta,if the only thing we lack of is team spirit, and u are right ramza, people just like to judge other. people who only play carry always forget,who behind them. support is equal important as carry. not matter how much 10K u have ,if u a jerk this game wont bring u anywhere. i just tilted today because meeting such people. all my hard work practicing playing dota and this guy flaming me noob etc, next game other guy flaming other, tbh he even abandon the game on critical time. calling people noob and etx wont help ur own teammate . toxic people suck.


                          happy donut i try those mute before. not work for me. is hard winning if no communication. but ty for advice,today i just tilted . haha



                            chicken spook,,,,

                              I mute everyone and only talk when I have to these days.

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Do you happen to be the kind of people who say "shut up and ple so toxic" after picking pudge, putting his hero icon on mid, then gets told that mid pudge isn't even a thing anymore these days?
                                Because you remind me of one.


                                  I wont ever play pudge mid anyway . sorry im not sure who u mistaking to be.Anyway, the reason i post, because please respect other. U mad other people not performing, dont just blame find the reason. I study hard enough to play this game, then get told by a stranger im noob and everything. Who give u right to belittle other. If u think u soo good then advice me. Instead proceed to flaming me or other just to prove u r right. So stupid, does calling names and flamming other make u win the game, are u people feel empower when calling other noob.


                                    if i am being flammed i just respond with a simple lol or a rofl...usually enough to save the guy from the darkside.....or drive him totally insane that he stops flaming .....however if two people are fighting over cs/failed gank...i either go take all their lasthits till they stop flaming....or go gank the lane and get kills and tell them to shut their who*e mouths


                                      Those people should take a rest from dota for a while. This game is not everything. Dota is sucking their human soul.