General Discussion

General DiscussionNot a 1k meepo

Not a 1k meepo in General Discussion
    Just played against this meepo, he fucking rekt us, is this a booster or Smurf or smth?


      Looks like an ordinary meepo. A booster would be like that at 20 mins and end the game

      Potato Marshal

        Why do 1k players love getting heart of tarrasque so much?

        chicken spook,,,,

          Cuz they suck at positioning and general knowledge


            Because of the way fights happen heart is incredibly good lol


              I don't think this is some 7k meepo I wud say he is 2-3k
              And it's meepo of all heroes


                The nature of the hero is to seem op when ahead. Maybe a 3k meepo is possible


                  at best 3-4k or just got lucky, this is what a boosted meepo acc looks like


                  lebron james jr

                    Game was pretty easy for meepo no one bought a bkb or lockdown and he's prob a spammer


                      he would've finished in 20mins if he was decent. like pooper says, he's just learnt the hero and is spamming it.

                      his last hits are also 50% too low for 40mins.


                        We fucking had no one who cud survive hex duration
                        I forgot meepo root is actually good against ember now


                          ps i think you should've built more aggressively on ember - if you'd spent the linkens money on daedalus/2nd bf you could've defended highground and then built linkens.

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            I played against a 5k meepo smurf and a 4k one
                            Distinct difference


                              I die repeatedly to hex if I build aggressively I can't split push


                                This is a real meepo booster
                       Promised us to end the game at 20min
                                This necro is also a booster


                                  Linkens on ember is good. Esp when they have something that can disable from fog


                                    I would also say like cuki said. Mid 2k is the lowest for this kind of guy


                                      you're not supposed to be split-pushing as ember vs meepo. the matchup is a race between meepo taking rax and you having enough damage to stop him breaking highground. linkens is a great item for a ratting ember (although not so great when they wil pop it every few seconds with track...) but that's not why you pick ember into meepo.

                                      if you can get either a double daed+bf or double bf+daed before you lose a t3, you have won and then you can seal the victory with a linkens.


                                        if we are posting boosters - this mid-brood was one too...


                                        he had a 115 prediction win streak..


                                          bfury helped him so much this game:

                                          bfury is trash against meepo, veil/radi/octa is the way to go.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            yeah, we got it first time cuckie, you can rek noobs with meepo.


                                              that's not the point, the point is your terrible ideas about the game in low mmr, ex bfury rush against meepo.

                                              you take 14+ min to finish that bfury, that is enough time for meepo to get 3x your networth and just walk down the lane..


                                                ^ totally agree. Meepo usually got his blink at min 10 after dlance and snowball from there though


                                                  as opposed to your 14min veil/radi/octa?


                                                    anyway, they were on equal net worth/level 20mins in, at which point ember stopped building damage to synergise with his bf and spent the next 20mins building blink+linkens. if you have gotten the bf, you need damage to go with it - linkens before Daedalus was a mistake.

                                                    feel free to argue whether he should go magic or physical damage ember but naked bf for damage is the worst of both worlds.


                                                      veil costs 2k gold, an average ember gets that at like 10-11 min.

                                                      that is an item that lets you fight very rapidly and reliably, that's something you don't get with a bfury.

                                                      while bfury needs other items to be able to fight, basically every ember after getting a bfury has to go farm another item while veil gets to fight whenever necessary and does it quite reliably.

                                                      There's nothing to argue here about, physical is retarded

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Lemme do the math
                                                        After reduction
                                                        300(chain)+180(3sec flameguard)+300(lv1 triple remnant)=780 damage not counting rightclick damage and more than 3sec flame guard and talent
                                                        Meanwhile no veil=780*3/4=585
                                                        Meepo only had 1.4k hp on min 15.
                                                        Extra 200 damage ++ is huge for ember
                                                        Bf adds about the same damage as well so use your brain and which worth better


                                                          that's not how it's calculated, it's 780*1.25*0.75=731.25 with veil

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            I go BF on ember because I can't play anything other than clicking circles
                                                            ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                              Oh ups my bad. Still veil gives the same damage or more than battlefury. Plus veil gives better stats then bf. Usually i wont answer this retarded question but im bored


                                                                meepo has 35% magic resistance - its only 780*1.25*0.65 =633.75 with veil. veil only gives an extra 126.75 damage. pretty underwhelming imo.

                                                                out of interest, what would you get after veil? radiance seems a long way off and just a tickle to a meepo by the time it arrives.

                                                                Potato Marshal

                                                                  Veil lowers Meepo magic resistance from 35% to 18.75%.


                                                                    that is what the 1.25*0.65 factor is. 18.75% = 100% - 1.25*0.65

                                                                    very good csgo player

                                                                      Cuckie got Math'd ez gg 1809>5683 memer iz jst a dijit


                                                                        how much dmg does a cleave w bf do if meepo is stacked close togt?


                                                                          ye i thought i shudnt go veil and magic build cuz of the extra magic resist, but now that i think abt it, having radi, octa, shivas sounds like u can actually do something to meepo
                                                                          basically i was at a point where i cud kill meepo solo and did multiple times, and i think i shud have just continued that with veil.
                                                                          once he got hex i just felt completely useless.


                                                                            60 games 100% winrate thats actually scary


                                                                              how much dmg does a cleave w bf do if meepo is stacked close togt?

                                                                              didnt feel significant unless u have double daedalus.


                                                                                I just played vs a 21-5-4 Meepo named 1k noob in a vhs game, he has almost 70% wins on the hero. Don't know if it's the same person with different accounts.


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