General Discussion

General DiscussionSerious question regarding ratings on IMDB.

Serious question regarding ratings on IMDB. in General Discussion

    How much relevant are those? I've seen some movies with 5/5.7 stars and they've been pretty good, despite the fact I coinsider IMDB's reating system below average if it has no at least 6.5 stars.

    I'm downloading the new Mummy movie with just 5.7 rating, to see if it's worth watching..

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    Dune, the Desert Planet

      < 6 = garbage most likely, but there are exceptions

      6 - 8 = no rules

      8+ = most likely a good film, but there is garbage here

      See metascore review for extra info.


        They are payed to win statistics. The other part that are actual Humans are mostly retarded.
        That said. You can still see how a 9 out of 10 rating "could" be good.


          i find them pretty accurate. usually anything below 7 isnt very good. but of course u may like certain movies that others wont like


            with few exceptions its accurate
            in most cases when ur opinion on the film doesnt coincide with the weighted evaluation of imdb, its a matter of ur poor film taste

            Dire Wolf

              Stuff like movies is very subjective so you might enjoy something with a low rating like if you're into a particular genre or something. Like warcraft movie has a 7 on imdb and a 32 metascore because critics hate it. I admit it's not a very good movie and someone not into warcraft would probably hate it, but I enjoyed it a lot actually being a fan of the game.

              Arrival got an 8 imdb and a 81 metacritic and I thought it was horrible.


                lol its not accurate at all


                  just use the 3 major ones in combination and if they are all high u know its gud


                    wasnt interstellar nominated for oscars and shit. lol stop trying to be edgy, u know it just means u have poor taste?


                      i strongly fisliked interstellar and to me its literally the most boring nolan's movie, but yet its an objectively good film


                        How Warcraft or WonderWoman got such a big score is a mistery to me, honestly.

                        I've seen both movies and I don't say they're unwatchable, but more like a movie with strong message for kids or youngsters, not a movie that'll entertain you like, for example Captain Americ Civil War would(not saying Cap. Civil War) was a perfect movie, but I liked it.


                          isnt cap america and all that marvel stuff also for kids and ppl in their 20s who watched/read it when they were younger? the target audience of ww/wc is similar to avengers/cap/iron man/etc., except for the latter ones being a more popular franchise (imho)


                            its still popular tho u dont like the genre. and they arent exactly crappy. quite well made movies


                              they aint crap in that sense and i dont mean that
                              if i was asked about cultural quality of em, then yeah sure they are poorly made, but those are, uh, commercial franchises, and they do what they are supposed to do, and do it quite well


                                Imo cap america and "all that" marvel stuff isn't exclusivly made for kids and ppl in their 20s because I know quite a few people enjoying these movies and they are well above stated age..


                                  so do i
                                  the majority of audience is youth tho


                                    and the content is mainly aimed at youth, too
                                    the jokes style, the external references etc.

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                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      hey triple

                                      knock knock


                                        why does the chicken cross the road?

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          because a man walks into a bar

                                          < blank >

                                            washing a dirty one with the girls


                                              a pope, a gangster, a politician, and a schoolboy were once flying on a plane


                                                2g1c best film


                                                  triple got a small dik

                                                  < blank >

                                                    a swiss, an italian and an african were going for a swim in the sea


                                                      Whatever Tripler said sums it up

                                                      Player 404335202

                                                        I dont trust imdb ratings of anime movies ! Most them are overrated