General Discussion

General DiscussionBest support hero to spam??

Best support hero to spam?? in General Discussion

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      Can't Buy Culture

        best support hero is the hero you are most comfy with. whats the point of spamming oracle, if you have no clue how the spells works ?


          For me I beg my team to pick ursa and then I pick shadow shaman

          Boi Danny

            Storm spirit.


              Whatever hero you feel most comfortable with.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                It depends on your team lineup of course, each support hero functions differently.
                Shadow Shaman is a popular pick recently.
                I have high hopes for AA though.

                死の恐怖 Haseo




                    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                      spirit breaker


                        venge cm lich or veno probably.


                          PA puck Sven




                              Ok i'll try lich tomorrow, cause he can single handedly support a retard mid, toxic roamer, offlaner suffering from autism and a blind carry

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                                Black Rose Glade

                                  Crystal Maiden

                                  chicken spook,,,,



                                      im pretty sure warlock, shaman and any other pusher supp is the best supp hero to spam
                                      because you win this game by destroying enemy ancient not to wait your carry fat


                                        Ant image

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          ive been seeing u a lot in these forums lately, tbh it seems like u just want to cheese ur way to 5k, u seem to be the kind of guy who wants that one thing that skyrockets u 5k but in reality that shit just doesnt exist

                                          thing is if u want serious mmr improvement u just cant go "suggest me heroes that got u to 5k" or "i hope i get lucky this week/day" or whatever

                                          u have to be serious with the improvement part too


                                            ^Nah, i wasnt cheesing my way to 5k before, i was spamming earth spirit and io remember? Now i want to cheese my way to 5k by spamming ez heroes, cause i dont want to stay 4k forever.


                                              Jakiro is honestly too op and doesn't require skills, I don't think most people realize how strong he is at basically everything. He can push, has slow, stun, can zone out offlaners easily from the first minutes of the game. There was a thread of a guy that reached 6k in a few months by only spamming Jakiro some weeks ago or so. Lion is always a strong pick too, Disruptor has one of the most bullshit abilities in the game, glimpse, and a great ulti that comboes easily and is strong vs escape heroes. I'd add Spirit Breaker and Skywrath Mage too, they're just too anoying to deal with.

                                              mr. rabbit

                                                im pretty sure u made this thread before, something about a hero that can solo support and roam effectively, me and a bunch of other ppl suggested spirit breaker but i dont think u actually tried any of the suggestions except maybe visage

                                                dont mean to be an A grade ahole but i pretty much think ur playing visage cuz there was a massive amount of visage threads a while ago + probably that blog convinced u to play him, probably im assuming too much tho

                                                thing im getting at is im not saying being a meta sheep isnt bad (i am a meta sheep too) but u just cant focus on mmr as i said, theres almost always no possible way to get short term mmr unless ur better than ur mmr aka booster just dont be too afraid of getting stuck lol its not like ur gonna die tonorrow and suddenly u'll die and have "this guy's 4k" on ur tombstone

                                                also doesnt mean ur gonna start "cheesing" ez heroes means it will work, i still have my fair amount of games analyzed both mine + a 6.7k sb spammer to actually make sb work


                                                  pos 5 hard supports. WD orge, Jack, lich,
                                                  Pos 4 roam, SB SB and SB

                                                  Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                    Pos 5: sb as well


                                                      venomancer. he can play all the roles


                                                        In my recent games i'm playing kotl, pretty good hero.


                                                          ^veno is MOSTLY a core rn but can definitely be a support


                                                            for me i would say cm, riki

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              I'd say jakiro is most fits every team kind of hero. Lion too but requires more positioning to make plays and doesn't have a high win rate.

                                                              I still think cm is great just for aura.

                                                              Lich is easy lane winner but not so good late.

                                                              Disruptor is very situational.


                                                                my zeus still have 100% win rate this year.and i played it a lot


                                                                  help idk why im still in normal

                                                                  Yung Beethoven

                                                                    Playing lich and jakiro is the best way to climb mmr as a support. At least i got 600mmr with it

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                                                                          "Lich doesnt have a high win rate"


