General Discussion

General Discussionwhen should i buy second null for invoker?

when should i buy second null for invoker? in General Discussion
never seen sun rises

    when to go for null talisman and when just wand, rain drop and rush midas



      you have a freaking 29% winrate, how about you learn basics of the game before diving into the hardest hero of the game

      god damn im getting so triggered by the hordes of 30% winrate invoker players ruining games, its a freaking epidemic in 3k


        u go second null when u need strong stats in a harder lane
        i think a good example is sf


          almost always

          one syllable anglo-saxon


            you have a freaking 29% winrate, how about you learn basics of the game before diving into the hardest hero of the game

            god damn im getting so triggered by the hordes of 30% winrate invoker players ruining games, its a freaking epidemic in 3k



              almost always

              Palmen aus Plastik

                its a bit unnecessary i think. Paparazzi just prefers straight up midas and he is invincible in lane. It does however make your laning easier, at the cost of delaying your midas by a minute i suppose.


                  idk miracle buys 2nd null and wand before midas like every game that i spectated

                  also i happened to witness him get a triplekill (it was 2v3 i believe) in the mid when he had the double null and wand using alacrity forge spirits and cold snap

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  ANIME BOY но не твой(

                    Don't play Invoker if your mmr is lower than 5k. You have 29% winrate *facepalm*


                      Wand when enemy casts spells frequently, obviously.
                      Raindrop when enemy has long range magical damage nukes that don't increase the count on your wand.
                      Second null when you are getting ganked a lot and just need to tank up.
                      None of these when the enemy is passive and you are farming well to get an earlier midas.

                      Yung Beethoven

                        @3k trash and you are 3,8k, you have 54 games with invoker and a winrate of 38% and that is somehow better?

                        He asks questions to get better with a hero, which he doesnt play very well. Whats wrong with that? As long as he doesnt play him in ranked all the time. And even if, he would drop a lot of mmr by playing him.

                        to OP: As already mentioned: get a 2nd null talisman if you lack the ability to last hit or if you get constantly ganked, harrasses etc.
                        If thats not the case, i wouldnt delay my midas.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          If he cant play invoker now how can he play it when hes 5k?
                          He has to learn it at some point.

                          30 YEAR OLD DOTA VETERAN

                            I have 11 percent invo winrate at some point


                              basically if you are under 4k never think about items at all.
                              especiallyt on invoker. just follow a guide.
                              And never buy 2 of anything. Good rule.

                              Optimus Drip

                                B-b-b-but you need to boots cuz u have two feet

                                THIS FUCKIGN IDEOT CANTE SPELLE 2

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  follow hints from blue star guys.. also, i tried those 2 null and they are great..

                                  never seen sun rises

                                    thnx guys


                                      Don't listen to the guys flaming you for playing Invoker at low MMR or with low winrate. I started playing Invoker during normal skill matches. I spammed him till I was afraid I'd lose if I played anything else.

                                      My first 50 games with earth spirit I was like 30% winrate, now I'm around 60%.

                                      Spamming heros will do more than get you good with the particular heros. If you are 100% comfortable playing a hero, you are free to focus on improving other aspects of the game, such as positioning, map awareness, situational item builds.

                                      The worst Invoker can still have a high impact if sunstrikes are coordinated with slows/stuns instead of just guessing their walking patterns. And if you're the worst Invoker, you wont be for long if you keep practicing.

                                      Personally, I hate midas... I generally would prefer a mobility, stat, or regen item for the same price, especially if it can keep me active in the early game (where most invokers will passively farm and throw sunstrikes).


                                        I prefer having null+basilius than x2 null

                                        never seen sun rises

                                          i have one more question now, not sure if i need to create new topic , but still
                                          i have seen some high dota players start to buy arcan boots after midas, i think it can help with mana pool when you want to be active without aganim and can not split cos of enemy pick, am i wrong?
                                          what the point of buying it after midas?

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            Injokers everywhere

                                            never seen sun rises

                                              @jacked ya

                                              no one?

                                                well they buying arcane cuz they'll disassemble it later for octarine core

                                                死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                  Every game


                                                    why practicing invo ? this hero just have 48%wr in 5k+ that means even if uplay this hero at full potential u will only get 50-60% wr really waste of time IMO.
                                                    lets just hope invoker get arcana so gaben will buff him or not nerf him


                                                      Invoker is the only hero who got 10 skills and it's fun to play
                                                      I don't think it a waste of time for someone to practicing invo

                                                      never seen sun rises

                                                        @idc mmr
                                                        why do you play dota? for me rmm is not the big deal for now, i just want to play him good(not perfect)