General Discussion

General DiscussionBad macro, morale and decision-making

Bad macro, morale and decision-making in General Discussion
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    So, I've started to compare my games with games of account boosters on Brood and noticed a pattern of mistakes, that I make and which are mostly the clue to why I am 4k.

    There are 3 most common scenarios in which I lose:

    a) Team loses other 2 lanes too hard and I am too lowskill to make enough space for them to comeback, because I can't sense the incoming 4-man gank and dodge it, while maintaining farm. I am poor at detecting baits and die, where just 1 my death means that the game is lost. I shouldn't die in such situations.

    This is a macro issue of not being able to sense enemy movements and read their positions on the map.

    5-6k players have a much more pronounced sense of the enemy positioning and ability to read enemy movements.

    b) I underestimate the enemy and get baited for a stupid death, then I get tilted and raged, lose all my game sense and make 1k-tier moves, lose the lane and game.

    This is a problem of poor morale. When my head is cold, I am much more proficient and can win almost any lane in my bracket, but when I lose my shit, I just can't play and I can't stop it, when it comes.

    5-6ks, even if they tilt, are somehow able to get in control of it and get back the grip on the game OR they don't tilt at all and remain cold-minded even when they are losing their lane 0-6.

    c) I win the lane, team is decent or good, but we can't storm the highground, the game gets prolonged and I lose, because I have no fucking idea, when I should do what.

    I mean... I don't have a clear instant idea of whom I should focus in a teamfight, when to start a fight, when to back off, when to split-push the lanes. I have poor sense of drafts.

    This is a decision-making issue. I lose, because I make retarded decisions lategame and have poor sense of how should a teamfight go.

    Again, 5-6ks have a much more acute sense of what to do against any particular draft 30-40 minutes in, understand the limitations, understand the strengths and weaknesses of a draft, etc.

    Now my question is, how the fuck do I develop these skills?

    My issue is not my itembuild, not my farm, not my micro or my ability to win a lane, but 3 issues, mentioned above.

    It's the reason I have 59-60% Brood winrate and not 70-90% at 4k, because I am too weak to comprehend certain things, but idk where and how to start.

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      When the enemy is retarded, I usually get the grip, go 16-0 or some shit and lock them down fast or the team is good and I am there just to finish the job.

      When the enemy is at least somewhat decent, I already feel insecure about my victory, lose my shit, can't decide what to do, lose my grip, lost the game.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You're One Step Ahead

        зачем я начал поиск

          I need some Cookie-magic here.


            Sounds like me


              I'll let you know when I figure it out




                  Actually isn't your farming ability tied to your macro map reading ability


                    u gotta realise that 4k is already top 10% of players
                    further progress is kinda tough and possbile for a very small margin of players
                    u just gotta practice, watch replays of 7ks and get the right patterns, dont let emotions ruin your game
                    there is no magic pill here

                    зачем я начал поиск

                      Idk, I can farm decently fast, my average Brood GPM is near 600, I usually have both XP and gold, most of the time, I also have kills, but I fail to make proper use of that OR I feed away a killing streak/high net worth, resulting in a +500 to +1000 gold for the enemy.


                        well, thats one of the major broodmama's cons
                        u accumulate a lot of gold and exp so u are not allowed to die


                          Don't pick bad heroes against enemy lineup.
                          Don't feed kills when you're ahead.
                          Don't afk farm jungle when you're ahead, take objectives instead.
                          Don't afk farm jungle if you can push a lane when you're ahead.
                          Don't listen to your team. (Mute all incoming chat)
                          Use your f----g mic to shotcall your team and get objectives.

                          Edit: censored word

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            You could add me, i'll explain how i developed them, it's pretty complicated, it'll probably take you like 5-10 hours of pure analysis.

                            And believe it or not, it is actually the answer to the ''have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?" XD

                            well, if you want just add me on my 2k smurf

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              Here comes the pure analysis


                                But you can see and know your weaknesses, isn't it easier to improve from those starting points?