General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on when to split push vs when to fight

Tips on when to split push vs when to fight in General Discussion

    Currently sitting at 3.6k and I feel this is holding me back from winning games.
    I have a general sense when to push, but the times where my team wants to fight, I get conflicted on whether I could splitpush to get a tower, but my team might lose a fight.
    Especially early on when playing cores like anti mage/ troll/ slark before you get your big items.
    I don't feel like I would be much use in a fight but if I decide to farm or push and my team does lose the fight it would result in at least 1 tower loss.
    I am trying to reach 4K and I feel this decision making would help me win games.
    Any help from carry players would be nice


      it's very simple, push whenever there's an opportunity

      pushing is always 1# priority, if you see a tower you can take safely, you go for it.

      don't die for t1-t2 towers, but dying for t3/racks is fine.

      for the main question of when to push vs to fight, only take necessairy fights(near your shrines or highground) and push/farm/pickoff at every other time, don't join any fights that you know won't give you a tower or will defend a necessairy tower(highground) or rosh.

      meteor hammer

        if your team will win a 5v5 on their high ground there is no need to expose yourself to the risk of a pickoff

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