you need to learn how to farm, when you play juggernaut and after a 40 min game all you have is phase, diffusal and butterfly something went wrong. already 1 thing you can improve on. learning how to farm gets you to 2k at least instantly
Try first picking invoker, missing every sunstrike, using tornado everytime your team has already got them locked down and wants to hit them and then call Gg ez when you end the game 3-12 but still win
Picking proper lanes is pointless at that MMR, just pick strong solo kill heroes like Clinkz or BS.
Mind you op, no one here actually knows how to get out of 500 mmr because no one has actually legitimately played there for awhile with the exception of maybe Raj and apoo (they are your best guide). Comments that you can pick anything is because most can't even comprehend how poorly someone at that mmr plays. and to them things like picks don't matter.
But of course logic will tell u that there's a prevailing meta at every bracket that makes certain heroes more op than others. Having never played at that bracket I can't say for sure. But I suspect it is similar to 1k bracket. So basically brain dead tanky heroes that bait ppl to their deaths because ppl don't understand how heroes work.
Eg. Ursa fury swipe. Oh we have 3 heroes what could go wrong. He does no dmg I still have half health boom dead.
Wk reincarnation oh look he's dying let's commit 5 heroes boom I'm alive morherfuxkdrs ez rampage.
Pa oh look st this fucker he tickles and squishy. Wtf why can't I hit him boom crit one dagger and I'm die. Let me just hang around Low health boom blink strike from nowhere wtf op spell.
Axe. Wtf is this guy doing behind my tower let's go hit him with 40 Armour in creeowave. Why am I taking so much dmg but he attacjs so slow? Ded.
Heroes to avoid. Most of your front page heroes are bad at 1k. Lion is complex pls don't pick it. Don't play timber, wr, kunka. I'm actually not sur about blood, but he shd be broken in Low mmr for sure. Don't know if u shd play mk
Well i atleast know that if i pick support i don't have to ward, cause no one will still gank :D
Just play rikimaru and kill people. The enemy 5 carry team isnt gonna buy wards and dust either.
A Semblance of actual laning, roles and farm priority doesnt start to materialize until you get to like 1.4k
This is how 500mmr game goes. Team already has 4 carry, guy last picks another carry and when they lose that last pick guy flames his team 'why no support?' Other players says 'Mid or feed' goes mid, loses it, and blames his team. Safelane gets rekt because there are 2 carries vs carry and support/nuker. Okay mid and safe is lost, how about offlane? Well offlane is also lost. So all 3 lanes are lost. Courier isn't bought till 20min. So yeah the game is pretty fun.
Aids you probably have never been in 500mmr, right know every game i get i feel i'm playing against smurfs or just mmr droppers (for example, guy has been in 2000mmr now he is in 500 cause he wants to rekt others.) Nothing like that you said dude, my opponents always buys dust if there is any invis hero/ hero who has SB, even if they are such noobs and walk while being ruptured. So i just hate this game rn.
Oh and btw my opponents never have 5 carry team, but even if they do, they still buy wards and dust and all that utility stuff.
that's so much bullshit, i've been in 500 mmr and i can tell you i could get out of there in 1-2 days with 1 finger on each hand
Kyle and I never lost a game on an account we boosted @800mmr up until we hit 2k due to us not giving a fuck or when we meme build
I recommend using sf,ta,bs,riki,storm,clinkz
I agree with the random guy waaaay above. I personally haven't played 500 mmr, but one thing is certain. When playing against DotA 1 bots or extremely low skill players, the best strategy is to exploit their weakness. Pick heroes that are greatly underestimated.
Axe, definitely. Some people tend to think they have the advantage when they have a full creep wave against axe. Lol all of axe's skills are not to be underestimated. Even battle hunger has ridiculous slow and damage.
Bristleback. Goo and Quillspray look like shit skills, and people would often let themselves be stacked 4 times. Never let BB stack on you.
Bloodseeker. Due to lack of experience, people underestimate 300 pure damage and silence. Might even run around while ruptured.
Huskar. Not really underestimated, but this hero doesn't need much farm and wins pretty much every lane. His greatest strength in this bracket however, is that you can't really face-off with a huskar without a coordinated team. No hero (save ursa) can manfight huskar early on.
Clinkz. You don't need anyone to help you with kills, and most people wouldn't know how to counter you.
Viper. Hero's kinda OP against low skill players. This shit's broken.
Slark. Essence shift is another underestimated skill. Shadow Dance also allows you to fight while untargettable.
Of course every hero would be an easy pick if you know how to use them. Some players wouldn't be able to figure out how to kill a skilled Morphling, for example. These listed heroes are just those that are easier to use and ridiculously underestimated by newbies/stupid fucks.
And yeah play a carry. Supports don't have much effect on this games. The one with the most and best carries win in the end. You only have to make sure that you're able to get farm, and your team has pushing potential.
I calibrated at 910 mmr and have been as low as 550.
I know all about this trench. You can continue to blame others or you can improve and get out.
If ZdonFrank can spam riki to 6k you can spam him at 600 mmr.
Buy a manta style if you have to. Lol
i was a former 1,800 scrub, but I decided to GitGud with SF and just focus on Destroying enemy ancient
now I am a 3,300 mmr scrub
yeah sure dude, ill play riki. Just one problem - everyone knows what dust of appearance is and what it does. +You are all bigger than 500mmr and you think its so easy to get out, just please stop thinking that. When your team is feeding because they had to play support, you say that i suck and have to get better? Fix you're brain kids.
you won't get out of that bracket until you get better than that bracket. this includes all aspects of the game (drafting, micro/macro, item choice, versatility with roles, communication, decision-making).
I'm not in 5k because I need more games to learn to easily dominate the 4k bracket before moving on.
it's that simple.
I read the Book of Saint Cuki, prayed to Lord Gaben and got the Dota Spirit that lifted me from the sub 1k trench.
I would highly recommend you do the same.
I can raise your mmr for you, I'm free the next few days if you want. (I know its hard to trust someone over the internet, and there's nothing I could do about that lol) Add me if youre interested
Play invi hero, like clinkz or weaver. They have big kill potential, and low mmr never buy ward or dust, even in 2k mmr people still pick all carry.
If u play with friend, pick dark seer and riki. Ion shell riki and just let riki go to enemy. Enjoy their rant
Sorry i won't add anyone to smurf. But i could add you so we can play together if you're 1-2000mmr?
I played once with 1k mmr guy, trying to help him improve (although im bad myself).
I picked dazzle and pointed every mistake he made(without flaming ofc). Misses every last hit, reaction of a 80 year old granny, forgets to use active items, dont look at the map - legendary "Mid no ss - report !!". I had a headache after that game, and ofc we lost. He was so sad, blaming everyone.
Next game I picked Alchemist mid and went 1.1 k gpm, finished the game on 29 min mark. He was happy then that we win, although he fed with support. and dealt 1.9 k HD. He used schakles and cancel it by moving, block himself with ult, use hex and then no mana for ult etc.
Here is this game, guy Kaitax:
Why people get 4.5-5k+ mmr ? Cos they admit they suck, and try to improve on mistakes they make. You low mmr scrubs only seek problems within others. Never in yourselves.
The teams are balanced, sometimes you will get better teammates than others, but both teams are balanced. So, if your team sucks the other teams sucks too. I'm really bad at this but I play with a friend that have 700mmr and man, he play really bad, he push alone with 0 vision, his item build is always the same, he don't know when to push, farm or fight and i have more than 50% winrate with him.
ur friend is 700mmr and plays like that? I'm 400mmr but i do most of the things u mentioned opposite, i never push even 1tier tower if atleast 2 enemy heroes are missing, i usually (not always) buy items that are needed at the time, i push only if enemy cores are dead and only supports are left, i last hit pretty well if i'm not getting abused by my opponents, in fights i know what my role should do, usually i have to initiate everytime by myself but its kinda scary if my team will just get back when i dive in. So idk maybe i should have more mmr than 400?
I don't actually understand this tbh.
A friend let me keep his 600 mmr acc once, and I tried to get it down to 1 mmr.
After like 30~ games of trying to throw, I actually ended up at 650 instead.
I was pretty sure that everyone at that mmr was actively trying to throw and get to 1 mmr as well, just like me.
MMR does not lie. If you "should" have more MMR than you currently do, then you will have >50% winrate and rise. With 47% winrate you deserve to be LOWER than you are, say, maybe about 350 MMR.
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Well this is great, i can't get out of 500 MMR anymore. The drafting phase goes pretty much like this - all team picks carrys, well mkay ill play support. One guy feeds the entire game in mid, other guy who was suppose to go safelane with me went jungle for some reason. This kind of stuff happens to me sometimes so how i am suppose to get out of 500 mmr???