General Discussion

General DiscussionYo wtf?

Yo wtf? in General Discussion
Friendly player Craziest match i have ever had lul. I genuinely though we lost the game at around 30mins. But look radiant had advantage trough whole game. Either they gave up on pushing our base cause they were idiots or dire had great combos? What do you think?


      What I think is that this is a sub 500 mmr average game and people in that bracket have problems in their head.

      Friendly player

        well they had invoker who actually did manage to land meatball deaf blast combo...


          whats up with MKBs even though no one has any evasion....

          Friendly player

            I think people buy mkb not only for pa (to stop missing hits) its good on heroes that hit very fast cause having mkb gives you a chance to stun enemy unit whenever you hit.

            Player 404335202

              @i play for fun ! can we trade account ? i have 2.7k id

              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                snipers item build lul