General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for help from pro drafters.

Looking for help from pro drafters. in General Discussion

    please draft 5 heroes that can have 50% or above winrate against the draft in the picture

    I tested many combinations and they are all lower than 30%

    the site is

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      any cancerous brainless 5 men would work, i think, mb except drow strat
      draft around huskar or viper/necro kind of stuff should work


        thanks, highest i can find now is 48.9% with the three heroes combo u suggested.


          this wont owrk because those heroes have generally >50% winrate

          this calculator does nothing but add up best versus and worst versus as u can find it on dotabuff

 check this out for example, usually u get heroes like aba necro omni etc as "counterpicks" because they generally have a high winrate and arent coutnered by too many heroes


            It's not that hard, just pick strong heroes. Wk necro zeus lich bloodseeker has 59.6% winrate.

            Edit: I wanne add though that this tool is absolute garbage. The winrates don't say anything. It's only the winrates of the heroes in all matches combined. Doesn't look at synergy or anything else.

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              for me its pretty accurate. i run it across many league games and they are pretty consistent. the algorithm definitely considers heroes ability in some points.

              If i drop PA and put in heroes with strong illusion such as chaos knight and phantom lancer, the winrate pop to 61% since dire doesnt have much aoe as they are mostly single targeting heroes.

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              BSJ. LGD

                BSJ. LGD


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                    BSJ. LGD

                      drafting comes from experience of playing every hero and knowing their strengths and weaknesses ayyyyy


                        this program aint reliable i think

                        Act II Enjoyer

                          I agree with triplesteal. Just by picking top winrate heroes (aba, zeus, necro, riki, wk), I got 51.7% winrate, and that draft is pretty shit.

                          Act II Enjoyer

                            wk, zeus, ck, cent, omni also gives 51.2%

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                                  ursa brood undying sk dazzle/wd/oracle

                                  less than 25%

                                  also, how are you planning to defend against 6 min solar 14 min rad brood??77

                                  that's a retarded program, i mean the only spell to defend hg is just pitlord skills. that's not even near to "best draft" just retarded program invented


                                    this site shows nothing honestly lol just put against them heroes with highest winrate and its done


                                      see ?
                                      and probably lich is worst possible hero against spectre and pa, just lane phase then he is food for them (also sb)

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                                        Mlada i Luda

                                          that is shit. any normal , non shity draft can beat it. this program looks garbage , who knows what shity aligoritem it uses, base on some hero winrate or some shit .


                                            CM, bara, axe, sven, puck 67.8 %

                                            how to post ss?

                                            thank me later

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                                            Potato Marshal

                                              Off Tide, mid Viper, safe lane support Treant and Omni with a carry Troll

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                the site is so bad to use as a guide.

                                                Potato Marshal

                                                  I got a 63.5% winrate against OP's lineup on the site using Necro, Lich, Ursa, Omni, and Zeus.

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                                                    This vortune guy is clearly retarded imo. Enemy team got spirit breaker and his team got bara. Really makes you think


                                                      usually, i draft

                                                      Spirit breaker, silencer duo first, and bait Earthshaker first pick from opponent, then as long as they dont ban spectre, the ES is done for.

                                                      Spirit breaker
                                                      underlord or generally any guardian greaves natural [underlord would be ideal if opponents have many physical dps cores]
                                                      bloodseeker / invoker [for high ground defense and aoe]

                                                      the pa mid is only situational. i wanted to learn about who i have to ban if i pick mid for heavy single bursting physical.

                                                      usually i would go for bloodseeker/invoker/puck if they have not been banned or picked.

                                                      This line up is 100% counter to Earthshaker / Tinker picks.

                                                      so far this type of lineup i have only lost 1 game [ invoker , void duo ]

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                                                        PA mid, spectre carry, underlord offlane, and bara silencer support? or assume that they mix it up? because if that's the draft, don't go by win rate statistics; go by your game knowledge. You're a blue star 6k, you should know what to do against such a greedy lineup, yes?
                                                        I'd say BS mid vs this PA, he's good against this lineup in general. then they're running tanky supports in bara and UL, so get a chomper. etc etc