General Discussion

General DiscussionPurpose of Treads before Battlefury (AM Question).

Purpose of Treads before Battlefury (AM Question). in General Discussion
the better spidey

    What is the reasoning behind getting a Power Treads after your Quelling-PMS-RoH trio, before Battlefury? I've always found myself more comfortable just getting a Brown Boots instead (I get that the no boots route is idiotic). Seems to fasten my BF timing by about 2 minutes.

    Also, out of topic, but I've seen Miracle get Brown Boots - Iron Talon into BF as a response to a hard lane. Is this worth it?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      It makes you stronger against the offlaner and more survivable against ganks.

      O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

        allows you to lane against offlane. Before jungle nerfs, it helped to jungle camps, but after jungle nerfs I find it doesn't matter whether you can get treads first or not if you get free lane


          purpose is always go.before bf


            lane presence, safer build

            Yes, if you can't lane then talon isn't a bad option. I would still go treads before bf but its probably game dependent.
            High mmr player's know what they can get away with.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            the better spidey

              So I take it if you get double-offlaned (as you do in pubs nowadays), I'm allowed to skip Treads as there's very little reason to contest the lane and your job is to simply prevent the T1 tower from being destroyed?


                Everything is game dependent. But I wouldn't afk on lane with boots when treads makes me stronger. And since you're too dumb to realize it yourself, you have to take the treads+bf timing and not naked bf timing when comparing. You'll realize it will take you more than 2 min and you'll also realize you've weakened yourself from min 5 to 12 or so because of your stupid mentality.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Well, 200 hp early is a fuckton for a hero that has a paper HP pool and str gain. On heroes like Sven, getting treads is more important for farming (and even then you could argue getting an earlier MoM helps more) and less for surviving, because the hero's tanky as fuck anyways (though you could say AM needs less hp to survive in most cases because he can just blink away unless CCd for too long).

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    BF won't give you any farm advantage on the lane in the early game as you can't just free push your lane, so PT is just better for survivability.


                      Main reason is you can zone out the offlaner better with treads so it frees up your support to roam plus you can get some jungle creeps in between creep waves .


                        Now on to a more legit question , it looks like plus 20 att speed talent and minus 1sec blink cd have same win rate , and I've seen pros skill both before , I skill either or depending on if I feel like I need that little burst in power from the att speed or not . Do y'all skill the same talent every time ?


                          thread buy for before battlefury offlane because farm is do cooki challenge 800cs/30min no vhs pro player all game kill because farm important very good player pro win ti so many mmr because am thread instead bfury just so because are fine offlane for.

                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                            i take 1sec blink cd talent every game ._.


                              so you can blink and trade with the offlaner; also because farming camps with bfury + brown boots is hell


                                It's all about timing

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  Depends on what you want to achieve


                                    whenever someone sees an enemy antimage with brown boots or no boots their first train of thought is ''OH look, this guy is a moron, let's go gank him"

                                    then they proceed to kick you out of lane at 8-10 minutes and now you'll have a 16-18 minute brown boot bfury because that shit has no farming nor fighting speed.

                                    i don't think I've ever seen an antimage go that build and win against me.

                                    i'm literally never gonna allow them to finish that bfury anywhere below 16 minutes.

                                    so at 20 min when they should have like vlad + manta, they are finishing their treads.

                                    It is not optional to skip treads, you simply have to get them.

                                    because in a freefarm 1v0 lane it lets you farm the jungle camps and accelerate your bfury to 13 minutes

                                    otherwise in a freefarm lane you'd have your bfury at 13 minutes with no boots/brown boots, but the difference here is you have +1k networth already and way more levels(getting lvl 10 is a big thing for the farming speed)

                                    in a 1v1 lane it lets you fight your offlaner and kick him out of lane, this makes it so that your support doesn't have to stay in lane with you.

                                    meaning you can have both supports roaming and winning other lanes, which is an INSANE boost to your team.

                                    in a 2v2 lane or 3v2 lane it's your best fighting option, i even pair it with orb of venom for more fighting power.

                                    meaning you can kick out 1-2 people out of the offlane and create the same scenario as previously

                                    in a 1v2 lane it lets you survive, but most importantly it lets you leave a bad lane and go jungle.

                                    treads + perserverance + claymore + lvl 10 has a way faster farming speed than just a bfury.

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      ^ this

                                      If i go supp and i see am rush BF i Will abandon him and helping another lane


                                        i saw rtz skip treads, i think there r very specific and small scenarios where u shud skip treads


                                          you mean the time he got a 15-16 min no boot bfury recently?


                                          the chance of you getting an actual 1v0 lane while your team can create so much space that enemy never ganks you is absurd

                                          that game has to be such a stomp, if you get that game then going 6 boots would still win you that same game.

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            that game has to be such a stomp, if you get that game then going 6 boots would still win you that same game.

                                            no, because you have an antimage in your team


                                              Rtz got 13 min brown boot fury & pre 20 min manta and treads

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                any item can work on any hero

                                                that doesn't make it good

                                                i could probably find you a game where miracle- went for pipe on antimage, that doesn't make it good 99% of the other games

                                                a core item means that it's good in almost every case.

                                                stop looking for evidence that confirms your claims, but rather look at the reality.

                                                or do you want me to quote you the recent rtz game where he got a 16 min bfury no boot.

                                                you think i haven't tried making builds that would end up with 11-12 min bfury no boots/brown boots before?

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  No I think the game was against void aa, and it was super close
                                                  I think he wanted bf before aa hit 6 so he can try to jungle and escape the combo and had a free lane.


                                                    Yeah he died 2 time early game


                                                      Pros tend to go brown boots bf in a hard lane, not the other way Round

                                                      Fox McCloud


                                                        Please answer this, I'm super curious:

                                                        I saw you mentioned Vlads, and you seemed to always get the item after BF. Is the item good rn? I for one ADORE the item, it's just that games feel too fast nowadays and it shows with no pros ever getting Vlads anymore.

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          This brown boots battlefury reminds me of brown boots seeker into midas builds that I get cancer when I see them playing mid. If you're playing seeker mid and get a fuckton of levels, you're pretty strong, getting phase boots adds so much to your kill potential it's retarded, even if you're laning against a relatively fast mid, you can get a few hits in and get your thirst damage that much quicker, not to mention phasing through creeps with your 700 movement speed instead of being really fast but unable to get anywhere.


                                                            Brown boot fury is the AM build now, jungle is ass so the reason you went treads before fury is gone. Get with the meta lads. If you want to win your lane buy an oov.

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                            Fox McCloud


                                                              Fox McCloud

                                                                I get boners everytime 2 blue stars disagree with each other.


                                                                  Vlads on am in 2017 omega fucking lol


                                                                    Get with the meta boys. Mom am in 2k17. Btw

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      mom am gay

                                                                      dont worry son I accept you as you are

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                        like 1 in 20 does it

                                                                        everyone else does the normal treads>bf build.


                                                                          Yall dumb
                                                                          Only ultimate comingback from disaster lanes for am am build


                                                                            treads gives you the dps to farm big camp every minute
                                                                            now you don't need them anymore because talon does the same thing
                                                                            even pros are going brown boots bf


                                                                              Yall dumb
                                                                              Only ultimate comingback from disaster lanes for am am build

                                                                              "dire victory" Kappa

                                                                              Mlada i Luda

                                                                                simple brown boots , and upgrade to power treads after bf is such a rare scenario that you will never realise if your not 7k+. so yeah 99% its power treads before bf. if you are not 7k+ you probably never know when that 1 % is happenning so better stick at power treads always . cut the bullshit you imbecil kids stop watching pro-se for eduactive reason, if you wanna watch them do it mostly for fun. dont try to ' copy paste" theyr moves since you have no idea about the reason behind that move, thats how you ruin pubgames you little fuckers.

                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                  ^on point

                                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                    what about bootless vanguard rush


                                                                                      Mafioso said something not completely devoid of any game knowledge. Impressive.
                                                                                      Bootless vanguard rush, IDK ask one of the blue stars, but personally I think it will delay battle fury too long. Unless you're not going battle fury and going straight to manta, which is never a decent option.
                                                                                      Just to keep my personal meme going, maelstrom AM ftw

                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                        VG before BF in 2017 :thinking:


                                                                                          Brown boots ,Vg , radiance , manta into a shivas and octerine core . If game is not over pick up a heart upgrade your vg to a abyssal , upgrade to bots and consume a moon shard . By this point your unstoppable but can backpack something for a divine rapier as well.


                                                                                            If you have a free lane, and your sups are shutting down the enemy mid forcing their team to help out mid lane. Then you can take advantage of it and rush a 13 min bf.
                                                                                            But it rarely happens, so usually treads pms into bf is the way to go.
                                                                                            Also wouldn't even get brown boots if it was a free lane.
                                                                                            Am has blink, any gank they send your way you will w out since you'd be maxing blink anyway. 400 gold closer to the battle fury

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                              I didn't say u shud skip treads, just that there is a scenario where it is correct, that rtz built it before, recently.


                                                                                                a free lane is a 9 min bf not 13^


                                                                                                  treads is the safer build because you can semi jungle with it because the lane is somehow fucked up.
                                                                                                  Rtz did that shit cause he knew how the laning phase should work he maximized and utilized creep equilibrium properly and stacked / stack pulled when necessary in order to boost up his farm.

                                                                                                  Tldr, treads for the fool proof am build brown boots bf rush is for greedy efficient laning monsters

                                                                                                  Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

                                                                                                    Stats, survivability and most importantly , Tread switching helps you Save mana if you're using blink too often.

                                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                                      Headdress into rod of atos is pretty legit too .