General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvertising a dota 2 community! Interested?

Advertising a dota 2 community! Interested? in General Discussion

    Hello and good day dota 2 players,
    Im Origin and hereby I would like to introduce our community, which has been running for about a month now and were having tons of fun every night. Its meant for players ,that are looking for people to play with and have fun while playing. Theres no plays for ragers or extremely tryhard people. If you feel like youre tired of the constant single queu and you would like to play some cm/ap 5man game with great communication, feel free to contact me and after a brief introduction you can gain access to over 30 people playing almost on a daily basis.
    Have a great day everyone and note, having a functional discord and mic is key!


      you came to the worst place possible, this place is literally 99% tryhards and ragers.


        and mostly solo players.


          Private profile... get lost dude