General Discussion

General DiscussionHow the fuck i have 20 winrate as mepo playing decently well

How the fuck i have 20 winrate as mepo playing decently well in General Discussion

    im having a good item timing rosh aswell ( blink hex or blink e blade in 17 min ) im stil managing to lose due to many abandons in team and very toxic palyers escepailly on me cause i picked ,,meepo,, i know team dont hold me back and i should git gud but does anyone have advice what to do ?

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      are u serious u have like 7 deaths avg

        이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

          those deaths are mostly in the end in base why does it matter lol

          Potato Marshal

            Because you have more deaths than kills in half your games, because you don't get hex, and because you rush eblade.

            Riguma Borusu

              Because you aren't listening to cookie's advice - have you tried destroying the enemy ancient? I hear it's pretty dope shit.


                what i see here you good at donate mmr to enemy with using meepo.


                  I am not good meepo player, but...
                  1) you pick meepo into all line ups. With AM, it ends up with one of you underfarmed and while you need to end the game soon, am needs it long. You pick meepo offlane.
                  2:) in several games little tower damage.
                  3)Your gpm is pretty low in few games.
                  4) just few kills

                  So my question is - what are you doing on the map? You dont farm efficiently. You dont kill. You dont take towers.

                  Maybe think more about concept of your game.

                  If you go raw blink, you need to farm kills, be active around the map. If you pick pt, roa, dl, your farm will be much faster (mana, as,dmg, stats). Even raw pt will give you extra few poofs due to treads switching.

                  Dunno. Opinion of hs scrub.


                    Push more towers. Don't rush blink. Try-out this build:

                    Qualing, PMS, Tangoes, PT, 2x Wbands, Diffusal, Blink, Eblade, Skadi/HEX.

                    Focus on getting your level 10 ASAP, if possible, try destroying mid tower after you get it. Then if they group up and start fighting, basically just go and rat them on other side of the map. The moment you see them missing, just poof-away or TP-out.

                    Coinsider travels after blink if game let's you rat.

                    From what I've seen, seems like you tend to chase kills a lot and you don't take objectives. Meepo shines as soon as you hit level 10 and get your core items. Blink is not one of them at all costs. He's more of a gap closer than anything else. You don't even need it early on. Most of the 3k games could be won by just pushing and spliting the enemy team.

                    Basically push more.


                      idk why all say my deaths are big when i told u my start game is super good with dominating in lane i those deaths are in the end when its gg and my team just delet items or die and gg
                      also i take rosh instantly even before i get my liesteal talent i saw that on youtube u can take in 10 min rosh

                      also i know to push with mipos after difusal or e blade with treads, is good to go travels as i saw on abed

                      i go hex when i needed

                      im havig problem playing mepo overall in this bracket, since no one buy wards most of games and then i ping on suporr like ,, wtf buy wards im mepo ,, they like muted reported xD


                        problem was i spammed mepo 10 games in row and first pick sometimes because i want to learn hero asasp and didnt care if i lose all but i dont think all lost are blamed on me i rly played weell everygame


                          You don't care if you lose then why are here whining about your winrate?


                            SIMPLE - YOU AREN'T PLAYING DECENTLY


                              1) your farm sucks. You have 500gpm max usually.
                              2) timings ok? Pts 10-12 min? Sounds like trolling to me. Pt are done coz of treads switching. You should have pt asap, 5min into the game.
                              3) Tower damage sucks.
                              4) not many kills

                              So generally, what are you doing ingame? You dont kill ppl. You dont fqrm well. You dont push. What are you doing?
                              One more thing. first picking is stupid idea. You need to learn hero first and than learn how to play against counters. I would blame you as well.
                              Blaming others for wards? You are 3k mmr. Why do you expect warding when firstpicking meepo?

                              Stop firstpick meepo, pick him when situation is ok for the hero.


                                i ahve treasd min 4 and 10 blinki what u talk about ur argument is so fucking bad pls dont post

                                @katniss i dont i just cant bleive its my fault i lost 8 in row i have good game stats all and i just lose like that

                                @science yea can be but i have 20 games as mepo maybe cause of that


                                  stop watching youtube


                                    watch ur replays if u arent a "oh look im so good idk why i lose" guy u can spot a lot of mistakes, if u cant it means u need someone else to watch ur replays and spot them for u. but mainly the problem would be ur macro and game plan. like in which lineups u play how, when do u go on which hero which hero starts countering u when and how to play around it etc etc

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      problem was i spammed mepo 10 games in row and first pick

                                      didnt care if i lose

                                      but i have 20 games as mepo maybe cause of that

                                      You first pick one of the most easily hard countered core to learn him, while not caring if you win or lose and often going into disadvantageous lanes like off lane. Real mystery why somebody who goes of out of his way to screw himself over as much as possible before the match even starts can't win a game. :thinking:

                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                      pluto baby

                                        you should have pt at around 3 - 6 mins because it's a big powerspike early game to your clone.

                                        Fight la BOBO

                                          Guys, actually I play meepo these few days, manage to get pt and wb before ten minutes and able to hit diffusal around 13mins but after that my farming speed slow down as my team needs me to fight and they said i am noob if i insist and keep farming and push. I really loss and have no idea what to do, should i focus on farming pushing or join the war ? I can join if my team is able to cover my ass but i usually die inside.

                                          Fight la BOBO

                                            which actually makes me drop from 3k to 2k T_T


                                              ^same shit
                                              probably as some1 mentioned u need to use powerspike of hero u cant farm 40 min and then come i must farm and fight and take chances

                                              KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                                u should build 2 wraith bands then dagger, much more cost efficient than d lance.


                                                  ^ xd u see 1 d lance game ?


                                                    Pt timings...

                                                    Last 2 games 12 minutes, 2 games before 8 minutes. Sooo?


                                                      yea sometimes i skip treads cayuse i go first 2 wbands and quel wuith boots of speed

                                                      so i should go isnta treads?


                                                        U still go quell? , 1 wb then treads then 1 wb, honestly, that's all I do and I stomp pubs using that build, 1 treads is like 2 wb, I don't buy quelling though


                                                          Again. Pt gives you so much by tread switching. You can poof few extra times. I even used to upgrade wb into roa to have extra mana regen to jungle faster. It is not stats effective, but these 2 items let you take big camp every 2 minutes (stack once) without going to base or being out of mana. You can easilly poof wave, send one meepo to stack camp, take it by poof, farm new wave, stack again and poof again.

                                                          It just gives you valuable levels and gold.

                                                          But biggest issue is first picking. Meepo is easily countered, especially in other lanes. Either he saps xp from his colleague or he is 1x2. Look on winrates - mid 51%, dropping 10 for being safelane and 13 offlane.


                                                            @ btalker everything u said i knew from when i first played meepo 0 useful advice , sry


                                                              @qweqew Just want to know if you have actually analyzed the games that you played as meepo?


                                                                ^ no but i will


                                                                  Worst meepo ever. Farm whole game only to feed high networth to enemy when trying to push. Gets pick off while greedily farming. So shyeeet

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    You maybe knew. But obviously didnt do as needed. I would be as well blaming you for a loss, if you played this way. Sry.


                                                                      Have you tried to destroy the enemy ancients?

                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                        1.) You're terrible at meepo
                                                                        2.) Meepo is a terrible hero
                                                                        3.) You don't know how to play dota
                                                                        4.) you're braindead for trying to copy another 3k player

                                                                        let me showcase how braindead you are for wanting to copy another 3k player:
                                                               Carried by sniper
                                                               Carried by NYX (LuL)
                                                               Carried by Troll
                                                               Carried by Void
                                                               Carried insanely hard by spec
                                                               Carried by Sniper
                                                               Carried by Gyro (LuL)

                                                                        The guy you're taking as a role model, literally gets carried most of his games. And when he doesn't he fails miserably :axe_laugh :
                                                                        This retard is also playing meepo like an arc warden, which obviously is cookies retarded idea, which is completely dumb since you play meepo more like a TA or Tinker. You obviously try to find a hero for free MMR, because you're a low shit, but completely missed the fact that meepo is dogshit since 6.84, why do you think nobody is playing the hero anymore?

                                                                        If you want to get out of 3k then copy what cookie does with arc or spam necro. Arc can literally splitpush 24/7 without getting punished, which is so fucking easy against 3ks.

                                                                        Arc is currently like a tinker on steroids.

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다





                                                                              When he said Arc is currently like a Tinker on steroids, I burst off laughing loudly in the coffee shop. Thanks for making me look like an idiot in the coffee shop. Best Joke everrrrrrrrrrr!

                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                You're normal skill, 47% winrate, playing in a coffe shop, you already looked like an idiote before you entered the shop. No worries (:


                                                                                  :(( I went to the coffee shop to study. Whai u gata b sho rude?


                                                                                    I love how no one gives any useful information until someone says something wrong about the hero they play the most.....certainly makes this forum a lot more interesting.