General Discussion

General Discussionmy 0 kill AM game

my 0 kill AM game in General Discussion
white boy summer
    only one kill at the very end when we won anyways, yet i feel like i made more impact than when i kill a shitton. i single handedly megad them

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        I can win against midas jungle lc with my eyes closed

        white boy summer

          if u take a second to look at what i wrote, i fucking killed one 10 secs before game ends


            i had won like that too, but in a lower skill bracket


              just typical am picker. got carried or lose


                Congrats .

                About a month ago I had a game where we were losing and the enemy started a teamfight with aegis close to my base but I had a lane semi pushed in and proceeded to take the t3 skipping the rax killed both t4 and throned right before enemy killed me , barely dodged a pudge hook at end . My team was still team fighting so they got the pop up of victory in the middle of the fight and were like wtf . I watched replay though and if I woulda joined team woulda been a for sure team wipe for enemy team with no losses if I joined but I guess a throne is better then a won team fight when your down two lanes of rax anyways .

                chicken spook,,,,

                  LiNkEn BeFoRe MaNtA On A HaRd GaMe

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Honestly sometimes I fuckin wonder how my team wins a 4v5 teamfight while I was ratting

                    Friendly player

                      bws +++


                        Check out how shit my kda was on this am win I just played . I got anal raped and hunted down but managed to eat to victory.



                          ^its called "my team won it for me", i think


                            I don't think I have ever had double digit deaths on AM and I've played the hero 600 times lol. No shame in getting carried but I'm certain if you die that many times as AM you weren't the reason your team won.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              Carried by team in a sense but also cut waves stalling game and got mega on enemy team solo by ratting / had over 17k tower damage and it was t cheap tower damage like after a won team fight where you just beating on towers with no worry in the world .
                              Also my team decided to Do a Aggro tri lane leaving me solo , so I'm a sense I'd say it was expected for me to do bad but I'll admit I shouldn't have done that bad , that dam Riki with his early diffusal fked me .

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                I think this am game might have been even harder for me then the other one .


                                Lost all three lanes and map control . Enemy team had 21k net worth advantage . I had the worst treads timing I've ever seen not to mention battlefury timing but we still won , I basically spent half the game being chased / trying to cut waves buying time to stall the game, pretty crazy we won .

                                Game would have been totally done different if bounty started off with me and es vs the viper and silencer , instead he died trying to help brood , and by the time he came to lane all our regen was burned , if he woulda started there I think we woulda killed viper and silencer and woulda made it a easy game actaully but instead all three lanes lost lol . The rough thing was I didn't have a ring of health to help farm jungle and tinker had boots of travel so any lane I went to would be tp / fked

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  I see your 0 kill AM game and raise you my 0/0/0 Nature's Prophet with 28 hero damage


                                    Ahhh the fabled Gandhi strat


                                      Y'all think natures prophet will be needed more or they done needing him ? Never really tried natures but liquid made offlane natures look sexy as fk.


                                        Objective based gaming. Nice
                                        If you haven't seen it, watch the game where a team with 0 kills won. Purely on rat and push



                                          MY ULTRA-FEED MEEPO WIN

                                          carried the team so hard man



                                            Total of 3 last hits rikimaru.... carried this shit team so hard.