General Discussion

General Discussion5k losing 2k match is possible?

5k losing 2k match is possible? in General Discussion
Palmen aus Plastik

    Tinker is a 5kmmr player. How the hell can he not win a 2k match. Even if everyone else was bad he should be able to solo carry in this bracket right? Account buyer or what....


      Ta is 4K and they are 5 stack vs 3 and 2 stack


        How the hell is 5 vs 3+2 possible, it`s not ok in any case. 5man is full team, and i can`t say are they full team or just 5random enter people. But if they are team it`s more like 1k or 2k + mmr for them. When you know to lay with someone it`s different than first time with someone.

        meteor hammer

          dagon tinker xd


            Even if everyone else was bad he should be able to solo carry in this bracket right?
            no, even if most of you here dont believe but dota is still a team game

            Riguma Borusu

              his team had a total of 2k tower damage

              hate to break it to you, but if you don't destroy buildings, you can't win dota, shocking, I know.


                In times of DoTa 1 solo carrying team was possible.But in Dota 2 it's basically impossible to 1v5 and win.
                5k even can lose in 1k match.


                  iam 5k i cant win games in 2k sometimes so its possible

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Of course it's possible lol what were you thinking
                    But obviously a 5k would have a much higher winrate in 2k than an actual 2k in the long run


                      His computer must have been hacked , 5ks never lose .


                        radiant side have a pretty good draft against dire.
                        3 dire heroes just rely on their physical attack and none of them making diffusal to purge omniknight guardian angel.
                        and also radiant have radiance + manta spectre, ez counter for tinker.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          When I play allpick there is often one guy with 4/5 K solommr and 2/3K teammmr. Generally he has 40% winrate and haven't played ranked since years.
                          Sometimes it's the real deal but thanks to matchmaking you will have good teamates or he will have really bad teamates.

                          Palmen aus Plastik

                            i dont know man. I wasn't getting the vibes from him, you know what i mean? It's not like it was just one game. If anything he should win at least 80 percent of his normal skill games, but if you casually browse through his account you see even that is not the case.

                            meteor hammer

                              this is what a 5k on normal skill should look like..

                              meteor hammer


                                  does anyone consider that when someone plays in a lower bracket or a lower acc he doesn't want or have to tryhard.

                                  a 5k+ player will naturally win 75-95% of the games in a low bracket.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    ^well, this is relevant, when I was playing in 1k I had only about 70% winrate but when I actually tried grinding MMR there I had about 90%, it's much different when you try every game but it can be exhausting

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      My winrate is significantly worst when stacking with 2k and below Redditors than in solo queue. When the skill level is below a certain level, people will just constantly feed non-stop against certain heroes because they don't know how to deal with it. At a certain point your teammates will actually just keep dying without accomplishing anything because they'll just keep hitting an ulted Abaddon back to full health, or try to trade hits with an Ursa before running away when they're 2 hits from dying.

                                      But I think that's partially because I pick terrible solo heroes, and the match averages are around 3k when I'm stacking with 2k and below teammates that are worst than bots.

                                      Palmen aus Plastik

                                        well thats my point innit.. A 5k player would trash 2k games without even trying. And I can assure you we weren't feeding in ou game. No one was. And he was playing a Tinker, a team independent hero.

                                        meteor hammer

                                          that particular player is clearly awful, the fact that he skipped hex against spectre should tell you that by itself

                                          Potato Marshal

                                            I mean, were you really expecting a 5k player to solo win a match where his whole team are cores with no disables except dragon tail and storm hammer? The rest of the team had like no impact. It just looks like you all did nothing but let TA and Spec passively farm.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            meteor hammer

                                              yeah hes partied with a couple of fucking lemmings but he should be prepared to deal with that considering theyre lowering the average mmr massively

                                              Potato Marshal

                                                In any case, he's not an account buyer if that's what the OP really thinks. Just seems like a mediocre Tinker player for his MMR.

                                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                                  @cookie. those deaths were incurred in the last ten minutes of the game when everyone just kind of got disillusioned with the incompetent 5k and went on a feeding spree. It was a decent haul till then.

                                                  Furthermore, Boush is correct. If I'm ever playing with 1k teammates will I expect any support from them? Obviously not. There is a 2.5/3k lowering of the average here.

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    He could as well be practicing tinker there. I once won against a 5k spectre, he randomed spectre into bloodseeker and other bunch of heroes that rip her apart in the early game. Even as 5k, he could not win. Had he (last) picked a good hero and tryharded, I am pretty sure he would've shat on us, because the game was close enough for that to happen even with his spectre pick.

                                                    But yeah, 5ks are not gods, they are just a lot better than 3ks. A lot better doesn't mean "100% winrate", and never has.

                                                    Palmen aus Plastik

                                                      i guess i see some sense in you and the marshal's argument. Maybe the lad's not 5k with Tinker, and maybe, he has some other heroes he climbed mmr with.

                                                      meteor hammer

                                                        hes a bs picker

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          Oh god, BS pickers can't play a mechanically complex hero to save their lives.

                                                          I should know :'(

                                                          Palmen aus Plastik

                                                            in that case, BS and Tinker are about as far apart as they get. Okay I guess I can forgive him now LOL.


                                                              I occasionally lose when i stack with my 2-3k friends, so yeah thats it


                                                                I usually lose with my 2k friends. Its fun, but I lilke playing pos 5 or pos 4 and I dont really want to tell them "do this, do that" so we lose 50/50.


                                                                  Anyone consider that a 5k+ player plays with their 2k friends, he doesn't even bother to play well? and just for fun ?


                                                                    sUCH Wow 5K+ PLeYER losINg GAINSt 2k-4kS OMG muM gET dU kAMERAA FAS-DF.,ASDFLKÉ

                                                                    get your head out of ur arse and listen to CUKI-kami
                                                                    5ks dont go to ur shitty bracket to tryhard but to play sth they don't usually.
                                                                    like this guy playing a mechanically complex hero for his taste (riki-bs player lemao)


                                                                      if i played hero like tinker i would definetly loose against 2k players


                                                                        What you fail to realize is that both teams have the same average MMR. What you should expect from the highest mmr player is high impact on the game (which he had), not higher chance to win.
                                                                        It's not like he's smurfing on a 2k account, he's 5k playing on a 5k account, so I don't understand why would you expect it to be an auto-win.
                                                                        What that Tinker's main mistake was is expecting his team to not be completely useless (which you were) and putting responsibilities, such as pushing, on you by picking Tinker.

                                                                        meteor hammer

                                                                          What that Tinker's main mistake was is expecting his team to not be completely useless (which you were) and putting responsibilities, such as pushing, on you by picking Tinker.



                                                                            spectre against tinker tho

                                                                            meteor hammer

                                                                              u just hex the haunt illusion and the hero instantly stops countering you in any way shape or form woa

                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                before that u can rearm blink out because he wont have rad + manta or abyssal which is the only combination that makes blink rearm difficult