General Discussion

General DiscussionLane Won/Drew/Lost

Lane Won/Drew/Lost in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    How is this calculated? More importantly, how does someone win or lose jungle/roaming?


      We look at a lot of factors during the laning phase of the game, and we compare your factors to the opposing lane. Based on how well you did, we'll mark it as a win/draw/loss. A draw is basically when you're close, but not close enough for us to tell whether you won or not.

      Roaming/Jungle is a bit more complicated and we use different factors for calculating your laning performance. If there is an opposing roamer or jungler, you will effectively be in a "lane" against them. If there are no opposition roamers, then the algorithm looks at your performance in a way relative to the other team's performance.

      Feel free to give us feedback and let us know if there are any really unexpected lane outcomes - we are constantly tuning and improving how we calculate it.

      Riguma Borusu

        Well, for example, in this game:

        I would not say Nyx lost the lane, he was lvl 7 when I was lvl 7. Basically, he didn't get much gold because he can't trade with me, but he did get a lot of exp. If you play nyx and get exp, you're pretty happy. He could not trade with me which is why he didn't go for last hits, but I had freefarm gold+exp where he still got lots of exp. So at the same time, he also kinda "won" the lane because he got what he wanted.

        Also, I don't think losing offlane is equally as bad as losing safelane, yet according to the calculation it seems to be like that, as winning safelane and offlane seems to have the same effect on the general win/lose score (dire vs radiant). I think you need weights for that.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          Thanks for the feedback!

          While Nyx was similarly leveled as you, you still out-farmed him by almost double, and got more XP than him by a third. The Dire bottom tower also fell within the laning stage, creating an early advantage in terms of map control.

          You are right in that a Nyx getting lots of XP is basically what people want in an offlane Nyx, you would probably be disappointed to be marked as equaling the Nyx the lane -- when you also got what you wanted. So if both players got what they wanted, but in comparable stats you did much better, I think this outcome is justified -- you did relatively better than your opponent in lane.

          The calculation already takes into account 'special' factors for the offlane, but we will constantly tune and improve it based off feedback like this. Thanks!


            how about this:

            why i'm lost the lane to tiny in mid? it only based on kills in early game? because i got killed by him 3 times but I still can out-farmed him and got his tier 1 first.


              @Rap Monster: I think these things make you confused but it suppose to be for early phase only I think. @10

              Potato Marshal

                Why does the lane outcome say draw next to the overall kda for my last match when everybody won their lanes?

                Riguma Borusu

                  ^Pretty sure it doesn't work yet, it is like that for my games too

                  EDIT: Now shows it properly in the last game

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    This game i was 2 levels ahead of mirana, and he wasnt even in lane most of the time, since i crushed him completely, but it says drew... Not that i mind that or feel butthurt, just its strange


                      @Rap Monster: @OverAssist is right, we look at only the first 12 minutes for your laning stage. From your case it seems like you died a lot in lane and Tiny had more farm than you by a small margin.

                      @Potato Marshal: This is an interesting case -- I'll look into it. I suspect it was because all the lane wins in your game were very close, and so when they are averaged out the advantage turned into a draw for the team. Definitely a little unintuitive so I'll see what we can do about it.


                        @kormoranas: Thanks for your feedback! It looks like Mirana got a lot of NW and XP outside of the lane. You are right in that you pushed her out of the lane but it is hard for the algorithm to know when that happens - they could just have tp'ed for a gank or something. Mirana also manages to get a kill on you towards the end of the laning stage, and you managed to give 505g in that single death which swung things back a little bit.


                          well this one is a bit confusing me
                          it says that i lost (?) jungle as nightstalker(yep its fact that most of the time i were close to safelane/collecting runes killing clinkz several times and trying to put pressure on enemy jungler veno who were farming at dire right jungle) obviously i get some jungle creeps after first night idk maybe because of that or maybe because of my location at first minutes
                          and it also shows that veno who were jungle won roam (?) but for the first 8-10 mins he were afk jungling
                          i understand that system can have some inaccuracy moments so its okay thanks for your work :)


                            @☻: I took a quick look at your match and it looks like you did get some kills and pressure in the laning stage, but you were compared against veno who also got a lot of farm. It is a bit unfair for us to compare a nightstalker roamer with venomancer, but in terms of outcome - veno got a lot more net worth and xp than you - almost twice the amount. It probably didn't help that veno had a 6 minute midas and a 10 minute BoT.

                            We can probably do a better job of communicating the difficulties of comparing jungle/roaming heroes. There are often different goals for roamers/junglers so I can understand where your feedback comes from. Thanks for taking your time to comment!

                            meteor hammer

                              its tough to automate whether or not a lane is "won".

                              especially because in some skill levels the lanes probably a 2v2 deathmatch, and in others the offlaner getting lv2 in the first few waves is a "lost" lane