General Discussion

General Discussionviper off??????

viper off?????? in General Discussion
El Chivo

    is it legit?



      Can't tank at level 1.
      Slow ms and no escape ability.
      Can't fall to jungle.

      It might work in 2k games but at any competent game Viper will get zoned out by supps.


        lul`? !

        Of course you can offlane Viper, he's strong too


          yes you can, but what does he offer over other offlaners?
          wheres the blink initiation/catch? wheres your aura carrier?
          what do you do if you need a pipe very eaerly...PT pipe viper?

          Dire Wolf

            yeah it works really well if they don't have stuns, you just max your corrosive skin and they can't kill you. Then with nethertoxin you can cs and harass well. It's better in a dual lane though with another stunner, you'll apply a lot of pressure then.

            And these days supports sit mid a lot or do a lot of roaming so you'll be 1v1 vs carries quite often and win the lane.

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            Story Time

              so far all the vipers i nmy game fail unless they go mid

              Dire Wolf

                I do better on safe lane viper than mid, you just have to buy the right items (rush maelstrom, farm like crazy, buy dps items not tank items).

                Riguma Borusu

                  Offlane viper is best played when the enemy has a weak kitable melee safelaner (think sven, spec), and the supports roam a lot. Five minutes into the game, a lvl 5 viper will not die to a lvl 3-4 carry and two lvl 2-3 supports unless they have a ton of CC (unlikely).

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                  Dire Wolf

                    If you ever see spectre offlane viper is insta lock good


                      I once went viper offlane (was originally mid, but me and the offlaner switched lanes cause he was getting shit on (as a melee hero) and I was doing really well. I was against a trilane of PA, ogre, and skymage. i got killed once but killed them all twice (as in got 6 kills).
                      Viper is a fantastic offlaner depending on who you are playing against.


                        viper is only good at forcing the supports to babysit the lane
                        however he isnt good at handling aggression until he has lvls, so he will be punished early
                        there isnt much a viper can do to say a wk aa lane or a shaman ursa lane to name a few

                        chicken spook,,,,

                          Anything can work

                          meteor hammer

                            benao how do u have 4000 ranked games and less than 50% winrate..


                              benao why stil spam nature when its shit hero only situational


                                I play what i feel like playing, I first pick pa, i used to first pick sf etc etc, I ruin min 1 if team is shit and so on. And it's pretty obvious why ranked is below 50%. As you win and lose pretty much the same points, until i get over 5k again the ranked win% wont get over 50%. Aaaaaand i used to have party ranked win% at around 30% a while back.


                                  And for the record. That last prophet game was carry prophet! I play support prophet often too.

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    It's like Bloodseeker offlane but safer

                                    meteor hammer

                                      its like bloodseeker offlane but legit awful and not at all viable

                                      bs can rage enemy ranged creep and fuck creep eq 100%, can buy pms and has better ability to jungle, escape gank, and win passive lane

                                      viper is a slow low armor hero who has no way to recover and does poorly without levels, and cannot roam well

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        yeah but low mmrs people do not punish offlanes at all, they just don't. Supports don't zone or don't know how to, instead they pull incorrectly and leech xp or roam mid. They never, ever zone out offlane and only time you get kills if is offlane overextends to your tower and you surprise them with stuns.

                                        Necro offlane works amazingly well low mmr in like 3k when carry and support ought to zone him min 1 and kill multiple times if he gets close but it never happens. Same with bristleback.

                                        El Chivo

                                          the bs rage on ranged creep is actually a interesting trick.

                                          I tried it and it went ptwell. Against a trilane of spectre, lion and riki. Died once but after lvl3 they ganked me and i could turn back and get an ez double kill.

                                          I think it fits the mets bc most of the time you will have a 1vs1 match up with the occasional gank. If it is not, well, space created.


                                            viper works in a dual offlane i think
                                            like a lich viper dual offlane sounds kinda aids if u dont have two laning supports

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                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              I actually played against lich + viper once. I had support kotl. In the end I just left the lane to him (well he farmed the waves in first place anyway, and pushed the lane to their tower, further fucking me over) and went to jungle, that lane was fucked.

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