General Discussion

General DiscussionI no want to be no 2k no more

I no want to be no 2k no more in General Discussion
Mode: machupichu

    Well as u can see in the title,I don't want to be a 2k player for the rest of my life, I put so much effort on my games but

    I feel that I am not becoming a better player, I feel that the only reason why I am got my mmr from 500 to 2k is because I have a 52% win rate.

    Also every game feels harder, not cause of enemy team but because of my matter how high I get ppl can't last hit, ppl can't get real items, ppl can't play jugg without a battle fury and enemy team does not make these mistakes

    Also I want to know how u guys actually got better at the game, an honest opinion of my games (Ik I feed hard :'v

    Every comment will kill an axe with aether lense and a Sven with bf

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    Riguma Borusu

      enemy team does not make these mistakes

      Selection bias. You aren't thinking of the games where the enemy does stupid shit because you win anyways. You are more likely to remember your team misplaying, that the enemy team misplaying, which makes it look like it happens more often with your teammates.

      Oh and how the fuck do you lose lane as Lich, and then go on to buy midas???? And why are you not getting sacrifice at level 1? And why are you waiting for lvl 6 to get another level of frost blast?

      Actually, that whole game is baffling, I don't know where to start actually.

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        Mode: machupichu


          Mode: machupichu

            I don't want a 3k account,it's easy to create another account and calibrate 3k, but I want to get better so I can boost my own account

            Riguma Borusu

              ^Is it really easy? I think an average 3k will play a lot better than you, and I am pretty sure you'd drop at least 500 MMR if by some miracle you manage to calibrate 3k.

              And don't get me wrong, 3k is terrible, you're just more so. I'm terrible, too, you just make mistakes that are kinda unthinkable for me.


                youtube can teach you to getting better , and stop watching miracle if you want gitgud

                Mode: machupichu

                  I also think the meta is killing me, when I used to play naga back then I used to win almost every I pick naga and enemy team ends at 20-30 because having me is like having nothing for 20 minutes, I feel like if you play specific heroes u have a greater chance to win even if the enemy team is better....

                  Riguma Borusu

                    It's not the meta dude, yes, naga is a shit pick right now, but you've shown you can't play LICH. Naga is a pretty complex hero to maximize the impact of, Lich really isn't.

                    Mode: machupichu

                      I actually took bad decisions on my last lich game which obviously was get Midas(xd) also I got frost blast to get first blood which actually ended up giving me a double kill.....for the price of not sacrificing midlane's range creep and maybe not wining mid as hard as I usually do with lich, I do belive that game was my fault for not winning any lane but I still think that ls should have outfarmed me idk....I can play lich I actually spammed him to get to 2k but he'll be the main to-nerf hero next patch so I stopped playing him so I don't fuck up like I did with naga

                      meteor hammer

                        my teeeeeeeem D:


                          fix your dumb items

                          lich with midas

                          PA without BKB in a 50min game against an underlord

                          there are probably 5000 things you can improve on, i also climbed from 2.3 to 3.1, im a bad player. so you can as well if you start using your brain while playing

                          after 50 minutes of getting stuck in pit of malice it doesnt occur to you that you should buy BKB on PA, which is literally stated as core-item in every hero build for her?

                          nvm just delete dota you dont have the IQ to play dota im sorry


                            btw at 3.1k people still build BF on jugg


                              ^Do not see anything wrong
                              your 2k player


                                bf on jug isnt terrible. ive seen 7k+ players buy BF on him after yasha

                                meteor hammer

                                  what item u buy in dota is about how u wanna win

                                  bf is 5000 gold for wave clear and regen, if u want to go ahead

                                  i dont xd

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