General Discussion

General DiscussionSomething's wrong with Matchmaking

Something's wrong with Matchmaking in General Discussion
No need to Try Hard

    Almost 5 min for every single match finding. 7 min if you play normal game with 4 or more games mode.


    They fuckin put me in high skill bracket when my mmr only 1k. Am i the only one who suffering in 1k and still playing this game?

    ffs, VOLVO?

    Watch me and Learn

      I took 10 min and not a word

      Watch Me and Learn

        High skill is new normal skill


          The worse your behaviour score the longer your queue time. I had 143 behave score grading is F- and i takes more than 10mins to find a game.


            try to play ranked at 1k

            i remember a game with this constellation;

            my team:

            enemy team:
            all 800 mmr

            how this is supposed to be balanced is beyond me.
            if you try to play proper dota as a 1k youll loose, becaus the 2 300 mmr will pick carries and afk in lane because they watch anime/ice poseidon on teitch.
            so you're like "ill pick supp because im a good guy and i want to learn proper dota" gg

            especially since i was playing pos 5 all the time, with a 400 mmr sven in a 1k avg game, that builds dagon 5 and blademail into satanic.


              "that builds dagon 5 and blademail into satanic" WHAT please link the match ID i wanna die laughing


                "especially since i was playing pos 5 all the time, with a 400 mmr sven in a 1k avg game, that builds dagon 5 and blademail into satanic."
                lmao , the meta is here man !! hold me hold me , hgahahahahaha



                  My advice: Pick a support that can transition into damage/semi-carry. If the carry afk's or literally couldn't prod a creep with a stick to get the last hit then you can easily take-over the role. Hero Suggestions? Earthshaker, Kunkka (my personal favourite for this role), SandKing etc.

                  Also, Praise the Sun!
                  (fellow DS player)

                  meteor hammer


                    missile talent + lens -> pike -> items to carry ur bitch ass team

                    cm works too because she does so much fkn damage


                      just watch some sub 1k games the item builds youll see are beyond imagination

                      tbh i climbed from 0.9k to 1.2 spamming treant rushing mask of madness, when the item and the hero were shit. i won games because i would pish lanes with nature guise and leech seed and then treant with MoM attack speed has good dps, then i build heavens halberd when item also still was shit. guess i was a real 1k back then as well

                      i dont need tips thanks though

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      meteor hammer

                        T R E N C H W A R R I O R


                          hey aluminiumhat, do you like blue heros?


                            how this is supposed to be balanced is beyond me.
                            The more you go to the sides of the distributions (1k< and >7k) less players you will have and the difference between mmrs inside a game will be wider. Also happens when you play in hours with few players online.

                            Usually my games are between 200mmr people, once i went to play in the morning and this difference grew to 500mmr.


                              haha yeah i always played at sunday morning at 8-10, because i thought i wouldnt get matched with 12 yeat old kids.

                              then i got matched with 20 year olds with 50 IQ

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Weekend dota is cancer


                                  ice poseidon on teitch.



                                    hehe yeah im proud of that phrase


                                      Ice Poseidon is the most biggest cancer retard I've ever fucking seen in my life ''arm thing'' and the thing he does with his tongue holy fuck that guy is nr1 cringe lord and people actually enjoy and watch his streams, runescape degenerates dude.

                                      meteor hammer

                                        do you like blue heros?

                                        blue heroes are the best


                                          why you dont you play spirit breaker my bubu swetheart? hes also blue

                                          meteor hammer

                                            i do bro

                                            meteor hammer

                                              blue hero = mmr

                                              this is why its a blue star btw


                                                especially since i was playing pos 5 all the time, with a 400 mmr sven in a 1k avg game, that builds dagon 5 and blademail into satanic.



                                                  wow can i make love with you?

                                                  meteor hammer

                                                    idk if ur blue enough