General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp a Noob day

Help a Noob day in General Discussion


    Seeing it's help a noob day, I would like to ask some advice.

    I have been playing Wind Ranger in ranked lately. The reason is that I can adapt to the game a lot, I think it's a real versatile hero. It has happened a lot of times to see a Anti Mage in my team, so I pick Lion and in the end the I couldn't rely on the AM. Same thing if i see a lot of early game heroes and I go Spectre.

    I have over 60% winrate with both, Lion and Spectre.

    But Wind Ranger kind of stands in the middle and I can adapt to the game a lot more.

    Could anyone check my last games with WR? I won 2 ranked games and lost 2 ranked games.

    Any tips would be useful.. anything.

    PD: I first picked WR in the 4 games, so sometimes it may not be the best draft. But, I still feel she can adapt a lot.

    PD2: This is real low mmr.


      Eat your vegetables.