General Discussion

General Discussion6.2K. POSITION 1,2,3,4 COACH FROM EU

6.2K. POSITION 1,2,3,4 COACH FROM EU in General Discussion

    Hello everybody!
    Nikita, from Russia at your service.
    I can coach 1 to 4 positions in game:
    roamer(or second support)
    explain their purposes and cover your mistakes.
    Mostly people lose games due to macro mistakes they make such as:
    not taking roshan when they can
    not finishing game when they have aegis
    doing bad smokes
    dying to opponent smokes
    no vision game (AKA BUY WARDS)
    Biggest mistake of people i've been playing with is map awareness so i can cover lots of that.
    My coaching ranges from specific-heroes tricks to macro game
    My dotacoach account:
    My DB:
    My OpenDota:
    My Steam:


      6k ru = 4k eu west.

      Friendly player

        6k ru = 6k eu west.


          Hahahaha funny 1.6k player has no experience in the 4k bracket, never been there because he's not even 2k but he claims to know that 6k ru is 6k eu X fucking D.


            then why dont u grind mmr in russia server ROFL

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              ну и имя блять, никита


                I've played a couple times in russia server and it's a complete disaster, I once picked Drow Ranger safelane farm and this rustard picked pudge as support, he bought quelling blade and he was last hitting creeps in my lane.

                Friendly player

                  hahahhahahaha FUNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 4k player claims he's been to 6k and knows exactly what it is like in 6k russia servers.

                  Friendly player

                    No joke your so fucking funny i can't believe retards like you exist.


                      Hello retard. NEWSFLASH for your low skilled 1.6k dog. Sometimes 5.5k/6ks players get paired up with 4ks because no 5.5k/6k player is playing at that time and then you can see their TRUE 6K inflated mmr SKILL that is basically just 4k.

                      Very funny indeed retard.

                      Your english is horrible aswell considering you don't even see the difference between your and you're, my theory will continue.

                      Low skill ingame = low skill in brain. Don't bother talking to me anymore you low skilled 1.6k dog.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                        Technically speaking, I don't think anyone except for maybe absolute garbage players actually think that 4k is a decent skill level.
                        All I'm saying is, maybe you shouldn't be insulting the someone for being garbage at the game, when you're only 4k yourself.

                        Giff me Wingman

                          4k trash that struggles in 3k bracket tells 6k player that he is 4k.

                          And hanter is wondering why people are laughing at him the moment he opens his stinking mouth.


                            Blunt I'm pretty sure u are 4k urself xD

                            Your last game was 2 months ago, maybe you understood there's no hope for you so you quit the game.

                            Good boy.

                            Giff me Wingman

                              If u knew the truth u'd shit your pants by now. Also this acc is not 4k, if you want I could get my blue star anytime. Just need to play 1 game.


                                If u knew the truth u'd shit your pants by now.

                                What truth dude u are a 4k player urself don't speak danishtard xD.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                Giff me Wingman

                                  ANd you're still suprised why people can't take your seriously and laugh their asses off the moment you open your stinking mouth :'D


                                    hanter is just sad he wont get 5k ever, no matter how hard he tries


                                      It's an internet forum, I can say anything I want at anytime I want and not give a shit at the same time either.

                                      That's the best part about internet, you're the first downsyndromized danishtard I've ever seen that uses 'stinking mouth' as an insult.

                                      It's ok buddy, enjoy ur 4k.

                                      Giff me Wingman

                                        btw I laughed my ass off when I saw your ass in one of my students game, even Aimstrong couldn't believe how low shit you are and dropped as far as you did.

                                        It's hilarioys how you took over benaos delusion and autism. I guess we always need at least 1 4k player who thinks he's le shiet.

                                        also spunki being supsiciously passive, I have the feeling he knows something he shouldn't know. If so, then I'll kill Aimstrong.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Lol at hantard comparing himself to 6k players on his 3k smurf


                                            One of ur students LUL calm down 4k player. But I'm currently 4.6k and I'm fine with that rating for now, will wait for next patch and then I'll play again. I'm not sure what makes u think that I think that I'm 'LE SHIET'.

                                            Anyways, you have downsyndrome, you're a delusional 4k player xD.


                                              Calm down Potard Marshtard, you should play some more unranked games and then complain about the new accounts xDDDD.

                                              Story Time

                                                each day we stray further from good-old-forum that helps players

                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                  Look at how the forum is laughing and trolling the retard who can't spell hunter properly.

                                                  @Story time, u kidding right? When me and wave were at it the forum was way way way way way more toxic and hilarious.

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    U sitting at 4.6 but playing in high skill bracket , Cool story
                                                    PPL Talking about soLo mmr u dumb fuck

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      each day we stray further from good-old-forum that helps players

                                                      help who? most people who ask aren't even worth talking to

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Look at how the forum is laughing and trolling the retard who can't spell hunter properly.

                                                        I've been using the name ''I Hanter I'' for 13 years now, Hanter has nothing to do with Hunter and it's a made up name. Downie.

                                                        U sitting at 4.6 but playing in high skill bracket , Cool story
                                                        PPL Talking about soLo mmr u dumb fuck

                                                        Hello retard, this is my smurf, my main is 4.6k you ''dumb fuck''.


                                                        Nice names btw

                                                        mid or 2mid 3 hours ago
                                                        mid or 2 Mid a month ago
                                                        Mid or Ruin 3 months ago

                                                        Pathetic 3k scum.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          Who care its 3k or 8k , she is a woman its name is nikita , really this namrle is sooo cool,and she will treat u like hers little muffin...
                                                          The only problem is she want money like all the womans...


                                                            im sorry about what i said before
                                                            Turns out u really are a '6k' afterall


                                                              wow ur heroes that u spam speak a lot about ur mmr

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                Who care its 3k or 8k , she is a woman its name is nikita , really this namrle is sooo cool,and she will treat u like hers little muffin...
                                                                The only problem is she want money like all the womans...

                                                                its a dude

                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                  I've been using the name ''I Hanter I'' for 13 years now, Hanter has nothing to do with Hunter and it's a made up name. Downie.

                                                                  13 years, still 4k.

                                                                  I'll get my blue star now and play 1 match, then laugh at you for being non blue star trash.

                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                    Love how everyone trash talks about any mmr just to sound edgy when the avg is around low 2k.


                                                                      Yeah because dota definitely exists for 13 years right AHAHAHAHA L0L0L0L BLUNT U R SO FUCKING FUNNY LOOOOOOOOOL

                                                                      OMFG ELEGIGGLE KAPPA 4HEAD LMFAO!!!!!!!!

                                                                      Ur typical 4k delusional weaboo retard

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                          Here comes symtard xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD retaRD


                                                                          I'm pretty sure this is ur account, how much dick did u suck for 6k boost u silly 4k player.


                                                                            As annoying Hanter's MMR elitism and attitude is, he is still better, has a higher MMR I mean, than 98%(or more) of the Dota community, being 4.6K. Just saying. Plus he has a 10/10 pudge
                                                                            -Normal skill boi(hi Hanter, behavior score lol)

                                                                            Palmen aus Plastik

                                                                              wow you guys just shit over this guy's post. General discussion doesnt mean off topic you know?

                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                I honestly don't think this is the right place to offer coaching since people are either already good, think they're good, or too lazy to improve


                                                                                  I'm pretty sure this is ur account, how much dick did u suck for 6k boost u silly 4k player.

                                                                                  that's not his acc, that's a different person.


                                                                                    go to kitchen pls

                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                      did he seriously linked dw's profile


                                                                                        that's not his acc, that's a different person.

                                                                                        Doesn't matter dude, he was 4k player and suddenly he has 6.2k mmr out of nowhere.

                                                                                        He got boosted so hard it's not even funny.


                                                                                          4k is actually a pretty decent bracket from my experience.


                                                                                            4k is actually a pretty decent bracket from my experience.


                                                                                              6K eu = 3K sea


                                                                                                does no one notice that the OP is literally blatant self promotion which should be against the rules

                                                                                                though, i'm quote curious, did any of this get him any dotabaffers to buy his coaching.


                                                                                                  ^your guide doesn't count because other people promoted it FOR you
                                                                                                  Marketing genius cuki

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    quality thread

                                                                                                    @Boobie I remember this one dude whining that he was asked to pay lmfao. I think Nikita made more threads like this way back


                                                                                                      Hi guys

                                                                                                      H^ 4 days ago
                                                                                                      that's not his acc, that's a different person.
                                                                                                      Doesn't matter dude, he was 4k player and suddenly he has 6.2k mmr out of nowhere.
                                                                                                      He got boosted so hard it's not even funny.

                                                                                                      You say about my solo, bcz you check my mmr history, good
                                                                                             - my MMR history.
                                                                                                      I dont play solo mmr between 2016/4 and 2017/8 or play but without showing my mmr in profile.
                                                                                                      Check how it works:

                                                                                                      But in this time i play party ranked so hard, check in first screen dude.
                                                                                                      And after i reach 5500 party on europe west/east i get the problem with avg games, like:
                                                                                                      this (This is my history, you can found this matches)
                                                                                                      and this (my history too)
                                                                                                      I get +5 and -40 in equal matches, then i say fuck that shit i`m out and then:
                                                                                                      and last week i spam ench
                                                                                             (fuck my 6200 barier)

                                                                                                      You can check it on my DB and OD

                                                                                                      So shut the fuck up and let me do busieness

                                                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다