General Discussion

General Discussion2 games today against boosters. Pls Valve...

2 games today against boosters. Pls Valve... in General Discussion

    Like seriously wtf is wrong with matchmaking. Where can I report boosted accounts ?

    This is no fun playing against some meepo/broodmother boosters that your 4k team cant deal with, no matter how hard we try.

    Broodmother guy, ofc no db profile. He had outrageous 700 gpm avg on broodmother. Although 630 gpm this game he played below average for his hero. I way buying wards, dusts and sentries all the time and spent overall 2k gold on items. Brood spent 3k gold on wards this game. Lmao. If you dont know how to play brood mid - watch this game.

    Another booster today. Again no db profile. 800 gpm avg for meepo. This game 916 gpm, a lot of kills and only slightly above average. We could not kill this guy no matter what.

    From what Ive noticed so far. People on 4k are completely clueless about what can kill them (when it comes to meepo's net range for example) or how to deal with broodmother mid. Its totaly antifun to play such games. Such broodmama booster will close your team in your base below 20 min mark. Ridiculous.

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    Riguma Borusu

      I won a game against a brood booster one time by picking legion since I had the last pick. I didn't even know the guy was a booster, I just thought it was a good pick and I like legion. That guy was killing shit left and right, took two lanes of rax in the end (still actually a misplay on my part, duel was down since I got caught up in some shit while pushing myself and I also had no TP but he had travels), but my team had absolutely no idea what to do with that guy, I won that game because my Invoker managed to finally kill the brood once in his lifetime (since brood expended BKB previously), then brood bought back, Invoker survived at 200 hp, I duelled brood and we won. I wouldn't say he threw the game, but his team was actually behind our team, so the game was 100% on his shoulders, I think the moment for our comeback was really when I managed to OO him with broodlings around, so he was at like 100hp after that, he misplayed really badly because you need to spread spiders away from your main hero when you play against legion and dont know where legion is, he was too confident I think because he was rolling over our team pretty hard.

      But even though we won, it was one of the hardest fucking games of my life, that Invoker lost mid super super hard (it's expected even if both players are equally skilled) and had no idea how to come back from getting raped by mid brood so hard (he was 0-6 at one point), but the game turned into us 5v1ing that guy, hoping to get so much bounty from his deaths that we can get back in the game, which we did, but our carry still died alone in their jungle a lot, but who cares in the end, since there were basically 4 players on the enemy team that were basically irrelevant because brood will feed 4k gold and give us all a few levels when he dies which gives us a huge advantage against the enemy team anyways (yay comeback mechanics, fucking boosters over if they misplay just a bit against an unfavorable matchup).

      I think the best strategy against boosters is to just have your team all in on that guy, even if your whole team dies but that guy dies prior to that, you'll get a massive gold + exp swing. Boosters are so good at getting a fuckton of gold and exp that when they die it is a disaster.

      I mean to be fair, you still have about 20% chance of winning even if you do that, but it is more than 0%, which is your chance of winning if you just let the guy be and don't try anything.

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        Stop Writting Essays


          dat feeling when u shit on some booster

          Riguma Borusu

            Stop Writting Essays

            Cut your dick off and plant it into your ass. Just like I won't do what you tell me, you won't do what I tell you, so we're even.


              TLDR pls could even read how u responded to him, such a simple shit with so many sentences and words HOLY FUCKIGN SHIT MAN WHAT THE FUCK HOENSTLY OMKJG


                Seriously your texts are always long-ass ones
                At least there are paragraphs lol


                  write a book


                    Or some horseporn novels

                    Giff me Wingman

                      I wonder who that meepo was 4Head


                        me on my smurf

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          Unless there is a last pick meepo where you cant do much about it, you can handle it. You can pick WW, Sven or shit and have a high chance of winning.

                          But playing against brood mid booster is a pain in the ass. Even if my team manage to rekt the rest of his team, he split push so fast out of control we cannot keep up with the tempo. Thats why probably boosters play heros like brood,visage, meepo, clinkz.

                          meteor hammer

                            btw if im in a 3k game and have 900/1000 gpm u get 500 gold from killing my supports so thats an easy way to get back into the game

                            ive fed 1400/1500 gold for 1 death as arc warden with only like a 7 streak too..

                            chicken spook,,,,

                              Why not focus on their shitty teammates? A booster will get farm no matter how much pressure you put on him anyway


                                bravo RPQ retarde glupi mamu ti jebem mrtvu kopile malo kad ti keva rikne bicu uz nju nikad joj nece picka biti prazna i u grobu


                                  People in mid 5k are still clueless about what can kill them so thats not the problem.


                                    i once ruined a booster with no reason at all
                                    going 1-20 but that booster comeback mega like its nothing and he report me alot lmao

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      All the Broods I ever play with have all been terrible. I have a 45% winrate with Broods on my team and 70% winrate against Broods.


                                        I understand that. But when your team is 4k, and enemy is 6-7k, its really hard to keep up with the tempo he force us to play. Everything starting from item timings, reactions to decisions.


                                          I had it happen to me not too long ago, a meepo mid vs me as pa. I got owned, he kept pushing the wave and farming the jungle. @10mins he had more than twice my net worth.
                                          I try my best to learn form it but tbh its hard to learn form such a stomp.

                                          End of the day the games you lose like this equal out to games you win by others carrying you or having them on your team. In the long run it evens out.

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                            It doesnt even out since its a higher chance your enemy team has a booster since you're not a booster. So if u wanna grind you gotta win that games.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Or you can lose and learn from how they play

                                              Story Time

                                                dota is only fun, and you get no fun if you stomp! So enjoy!


                                                  You stomp or you get stomp just deal with it.


                                                    It doesnt even out since its a higher chance your enemy team has a booster since you're not a booster. So if u wanna grind you gotta win that games.

                                                    Using your theory the enamy team has a higher chance they have a feeder, account buyer etc


                                                      You wrote that, not me. i just responded to what you wrote that wasnt really true.

                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                        Its up to you dude adjust and take the last pick let those first picking invoker boozos be and counter pick. If youd be forced to pick first pick meta heroes that are good no matter what like lich necro veno. If they have the last pick you cant avoid getting cheezed but all games are still winnable


                                                          My last BS game, the enemy invoker was really good. Looking at his profile, it isn't private so unlikely a booster, it seemed to be some 4K-5K smurf. We still won, but damn did he give a run for our money. Also didn't help that our Axe abandoned suddenly and I had to micro him
                                                          I know, 4k isn't the same as 6k/7k, but higher MMR is higher MMR, it was so satisfying to win in the end.


                                                            LC > Brood in lane

                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                              When you are boosting someone that has 400av gpm with 0.5 versatility:(


                                                                You're just as likely to have a booster on your team as you are to be against one.


                                                                meteor hammer

                                                                  not true xd 4 chance vs 5