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General DiscussionNot getting tilted while playing ranked

Not getting tilted while playing ranked in General Discussion

    How do i play ranked and not get tilted?i usually win most of my ranked games.but the games that i lose i feel that we throw the games. I feel that i cannot play ranked after loosing 1 match. How do i stop tilting.please help me guys.


      if you want to win then learn to keep calm


        First of all why are you muted ?

        Are you that kind of person who spams "Good job", "Wtf was that?", "GG we lost", "SF fuckin idiot !", "Mid no gank" etc. ??

        I have a friend that when I play with him, he always flame others for everything while he's 2k dogshit himself for a reason. Focus on your mistakes, not others first. Then you can start to actually improve your gaming character.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          if you loose theres only one reason: enemy team was better than your team. thats gonna happen, deal with it
          play to improve yourself, not your mmr.


            i usually mute my teammates as you guys know 2k is for brain dead people.hero people fight without vision and they dont realise whether their draft is solo pick off oriented or team fight. they just fight and fight without focusing on objectives.this is why i win most of my games in ranked.but the ones i lose i feel that they are easily winnable. only like 1 match of 20 is like totally lost. after losing 1 ranked match i cannot play any more ranked.please help me overcome this feeling so that i can play ranked and climb.any suggestion is highly welcomed.


              i also want to know how in the hell am i not only playing good but also winning with one of my 4k friend. the avg mmr is 3.2 k or some shit.technically they should stomp me with their superior game mechanics.but i stomped them with my bs. and in the necro game i did okay as i was solo safelane with jungle sniper against pudge and lion. please have a look

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                There will be one person in your game who is not braindead. Find him and back him up. If you are carry make sure to have him around yourself.
                Stay positive, mute whoever blames others and asks for reporting somebody. This negativity and toxic bullshit has nothing to do with skill bracket :) be the good guy to climb anyway

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  get some break after this shittygames, either smoke/listen to music/eat or do whatever you like to relax, then come back and feed again

                  meteor hammer

                    fp sf stole mid from me when im 300 above avg, offlane shaker is 4700 and goes 0 5 0 then spams >Missing! voice for 15 minutes

                    at some point either u play enough ranked that ur desensitized or u learn to stay calm


                      Thanks guys.i will try to be positive :)

                      lone dog

                        You need to realize that you actually have a lot more control over the game than you think and when you lose its because you failed to take advantage of that control.
                        1) Realize that every thing that went wrong in the game was caused either directly or indirectly from a mistake you made and instead of thinking "ptm mi teama hold me back recomend me :v" you should think "I should've done x" or "This happened because I had done y".
                        2) Mute. Usually if I am tryharding then the moment someone even hints that they are going to start tilting/flaming I just instamute them. Usually if someone starts flaming odds (especially when they themselves are playing badly which is usually the case) it can be safe to say that the other 90% of what they have to say is not worth my time to even acknowledge.
                        3) If you are in a losing position think about what you can do to try to get back and focus on that, not the fact that you're losing
                        can't think of anything else
                        something something source: my recent games


                          2k winner, typical


                            I mute everyone on both teams at the beginning of the game. People seldom have anything useful to say that they can't communicate with pings.