General Discussion

General DiscussionThe time you should quit dota

The time you should quit dota in General Discussion

    When is the right time to quit dota?


      When all you do is whine and aren't having fun.


        pls enjoy game


          When u dont like the game anymore, I quit for like 12-18 months in total before I kinda came back.


            it's never a bad time to quit


              Right now - run for your Life


                A day ago I played the worst game in my 2 years of dota, gunna take a break until the new fucking patch arrives cause dota now is dead to me, even the number of players in this game is reaching all time low.

                Mlada i Luda

                  you dont quit dota . dota" quits " you XD

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                    I dont leave dota but when i do i come back

                    Riguma Borusu

                      right now


                        at 11 pm, after that the games become either full tryhard or full drunk people

                        Arthritic Quadragenarian

                          Lost interest for about 6 months just came back on whim and I am enjoying it even more.

                          I would recommend taking a break play other games and come back when you want. Don't let a game dictate your life


                            how si this even a uqestion if u want to play go play if u dont want to play dont play lol dont quit if u want to play


                              how si this even a uqestion if u want to play go play if u dont want to play dont play lol dont quit if u want to play

                              i always want to play and look at me now


                                I haven't played doto for 2.5 months and now my life feels a bit empty


                                  mostly just take breaks

                                  1.when it feels like a chore
                                  2.lose loads of mmr
                                  3.hate the patch


                                    i now got one question. How much do you guys think that we will play dota? Like anyone of us, or soem hwe plears, but how long will be exist dota like game? When will other say ok dota will be over, no more patch, no more dota3,4,5?