General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is this situation still possible in low mmr ?

Why is this situation still possible in low mmr ? in General Discussion

    I just had a game vs this guy:

    Of course if raped all of us in less than 10 minutes and the game was a disaster and nobody in the game had fun (even the guys in his team...). You could have given an IO to this guy he would have carry the game...

    Why is it possible that this kind of account play low mmr ?


      that's called boosting

      Potato PC

        smurf or bought account (with low mmr) also possible


          Yeah I understand but why nothing is done to avoid this in 2017 ?!


            because it can't be


              Because valve refuses to address the problem


                This problem cant be solved...
                Its just reality.
                Just work on...

                Es. I was 1.8k than i trained a lot whit bots normal an watching reps....and i climbed 1k in 2 months...
                It was pretty easy... And i was way stronger than my enemy...
                Think positive and enjoy the game...


                  how often do you think you are stacking against/with boosters? Over the sufficiently long time those games don't matter much in terms of you gaining or losing mmr.


                    It can't be solved? It is possible!! Just valve not hiring someone capable of doing it. They only got retards

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      I am pretty sure that every single valve employee working on DOTA is a more competent professional and human being than benao. Not saying it's hard, just stating the obvious.

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                        And again in low mmr a guy picked visage (not the most common hero in 2.4k...) and raped the game solo helping his useless team
                        I'm really bored

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                          It's like saying why did that Asian kid get an A in the test and make me look bad with my C-

                          Without better players in your games to show you what better means, you'll forever be stuck in your skill level.


                            What if I don't care about playing low mmr with people at my level ?
                            Just saying that because I'm just an old man without any motivation for mmr climbing. I just play ranked to have games with less abandon and less painful behavior.
                            I really don't feel any pleasure to get rape during 46 minutes by a guy that knows exactly what he is doing.


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                            Riguma Borusu

                              @Sten: That's bad comparison, he's wondering not why did this asian kid of the same age got a higher mark, but why there's a 40 year old man with 15 years of experience in his class, eclipsing everyone.

                              But yeah, this is just something that happens, life fucks sometimes.


                                And again And again:
                                The guy with twith ID a BloodSeeker 25/4 raped all the team in 15 min

                                I love dota...

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  You should try playing unranked matches sir. Far more enjoyable with sometimes ppl testing funny builds and heroes. Like you said you don't care about winning so why bother playing ranked.
                                  Also, even in unranked matches people can be super nice to you, as long as you dont have rly bad behaviour scores.


                                    1k cant be saved. I could play roaming hero and still carry the game there