General Discussion

General Discussion3600 mmr

3600 mmr in General Discussion

    welcome to games of 7+/10 smurfs

    meteor hammer

      That's why you have to be PAPA smurf


        naaa i just got out of this place and it was more like 1 smurf each 10 games

        Giff me Wingman

          papa smurf LUL


            welcome to games of 7+/10 smurfs

            says the guy with 50 accounts


              im not complaining, it like raises the skill level of the match

              lone dog

                Sorry xd


                  3.2k is full of smurfs, unfortunately the ones that drop back down to their first mmr, not the good ones

                  look at the the pudge and ss in my last game...hmmmmm

                  Story Time

                    the new calibration threshold is a reason why 3k bracket such a mess. But somehow in my smurf games which were comfortable 2k everyone expects smurfs too, I dont understand this though. Like people are obsessed with detecting smurfs and acount buyers and cannot simply accept that I might be playing drunk or not drunk :D