General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to offlane effectively in 5k?

How to offlane effectively in 5k? in General Discussion
KDA ratio is just a number!!

    Just got forced to play offlane in 2 consecutive games, of course we lost...
    Any tips/ suggestions on what should i do
    Any good offlane heroes in that bracket?

    chicken spook,,,,



        is 5k now 2k?


          pick a hero with some escape and/or early killing potential, try to creepagro to make it easy for you to farm, pick the bountys close to the offlane and get some early survival/nuking itens like tranquil or soulring. With any good opportunity (like supps roaming to gank mid), try to kill the carrier or any supports that you find alone.

          If everything is going wrong, try to farm your jungle close to you or rotate mid/enemy jungle to gank and get some xp/gold.

          IMO i like playing clock, timber, weaver, ES and Nyx especially in this meta, Necro sometimes, and theres some crazy guys playing Lich and Omnicancer.


            check my games! =) i play 1 hero tho


              Just your share of daily account buyers or boosted noobs posts

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Omniknight /
                underlord / Necrophos / Weaver / Veno


                  balanar balanar balanar and more balanar u can fly bru


                    It doesn't matter what you pick as long as you don't feed and don't be useless

                    Mode : TOPSON

                      Umm venom


                        lol :rage:




                            dans game explain?


                              There are 2 type of offlane heroes,
                              One type has high solo kill potential, other dont.
                              If you pick hero like timbersaw, enchantress, necro, abaddon, riki you can even set up kills solo, farm normally.

                              If you pick heroes like void, nyx, tusk, just farm what you can, avoid dying and kill when opportunity appears, for example void ulti + sunstrike.

                              Also you can take heroes like doom, enigma, axe and then half jungle half lane. Especially easy with enigma, since stealing creep from lane will make enemy push towards tower and create window to farm


                                I'm a 8k player from now on.