General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to make Vladimir's offerings(specially as an anti mage)?

When to make Vladimir's offerings(specially as an anti mage)? in General Discussion
69 god

    I never understand when to make the Vladimir's offering in heroes like anti mage or troll. I saw the match liquid vs mineski where mushi went for it and lacked the core items even though he wasn't ganked much. It provides you few basic stats - a bit of lifesteal, armour and basic mana regen. But I feel getting its core items work better. But yet , on pro scenes I see this item quite a bit. Why could it probably be?


      most people do it in games they have to fight a lot or against axe/lc

      i get it every game because i splitpush like a madman.



        El Chivo

          helps you survive thru thaunts

          Also helps with the push, not only de lifesteal, that little bit of armor and hp regen for the creeps can make a diference.


            Only time i get vlads is when i do my alternative build that pisses people off but works a lot(maelstrom vlads, into manta then default items), otherwise its battle fury into manta.



              Wait what


                Only skip if you got sustain by your team imo, like warlock cm oracle meka... I still buy it after bf every game.


                  Vlads can help you contribute to early teamfights if your team cant 4v5 and needs u to come online fastsd

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    -early rosh
                    -early contribution
                    -survives taunt
                    -your team can take advantage of the dps boost
                    Otherwise get manta


                      when i go vladimir on am i go rosh

                      but yea what cooki said iz true


                        You do it when you want to just farm/splitpush and you don't need manta ASAP to fight or dispel shit.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                          Seems people are confused whether it's an early fight or afk farm item


                            Hanter yeah Maelstrom, I made a thread about it a few months ago, alternative build for AM. Instead of battle fury, i go maelstrom and vlads for the same money. my reasoning was that it built more naturally into the late game, it enables AM to fight a little earlier than a naked BF, and it still allows him to retain flash farm ability(far less of course). And i got so much shit for the thread, but i kept using it because it was still working, havent' played AM in a while though

                            69 god

                              Thank you guys for your replies. So I get it we need it for early game fights, surviving taunts and duels , rosh and rats.
                              PS: Will really try that maelstorm build :D