General Discussion

General DiscussionQuelling blade on Drow Ranger?

Quelling blade on Drow Ranger? in General Discussion
Jimichael Butordan

    Ive seen arteezy play alot of drow gamaes with quelling blade is it really efficient to have this item at the start of the game considering that drow has wraith band or 3 branch 1 circlet? Why do they buy this and when should I consider having one at early game for laning stage


      It used to be better when it was percentage based since drow ult gives a lot of base damage. I don't think anyone gets it on ranged heroes anymore.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        NP sprout

        Potato Marshal

          Terrible value and waste of an item slot for only 7 damage. Maybe if you really needed to destroy trees, even then you might as well hold out a bit for force staff into hurricane pike.


            I can understand why. It's worth it if you get it because of that. Rtz should watch me play more often though

            Jimichael Butordan

              Lmao then qb is now a terrible item on ranged. But waga played windranger with 2 furys. What theee


                When people tell him the correct answer he questions it with waga's meme build :bc_ok: :thumbs_up: :bc_ok: :thumbs_up: :bc_ok: :thumbs_up: :bc_ok: :thumbs_up:

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Its not too bad if you actually need to cut trees/buy an iron talon.

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Dont buy it at the start though