General Discussion

General Discussionnew hero

new hero in General Discussion

    Just want to ask what is the best way to learn new hero? bots, demo hero mode, or unrank games, besides watching tutorials, cause you wont get anywhere just watching. Fro invo is good demo mode, cause you use spells, but Lone i don`t get much with him, or with Visage.
    How you guys learn new hero to play?


      play 100 games


        100 games on smurf account. Then 20 normal games on your main, then you are ready for some rankeds.

        Thats how I used to learn both Chen and Meepo.

        < blank >

          play 1000 games


            100 games to learn a hero, holy shit you're real bad if you need that for every hero


              Play till you get used to it.
              But playing 20 times and no improvement, then just stop.
              It's not your hero.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                play it in rank, sink or swim, best way to learn

                Mode : TOPSON

                  Read the skill demo Hero to know how the animation works etc 2-3 unranked match.
                  6k player gameplay on that Hero and copy his gameplay on your next 2-3 unranked match

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                    Play that hero nonstop, if you are not having fun playing that hero then stop! it's not your hero.

                    Play something else..


                      100 games to get good

                      i dont even have 100 games on a hero, but id die of boredom if i did soooo


                        guys I know that after 100games you will be good. I learn wind to play while she was out of meta, totally, start spam(around 15games) in 2 weeks. Now she is one of my best heroes, haven`t watch any tutorial or play demo. But i would like to learn again lone, and zet for some reason i forgot to play him, i was ok in dota 1 but now i kinda suck with him now.
                        But itş slow to learn, something more fun, cause I don‚t want to be one who pick lone and went 0/15/0 in 10min.
                        "But playing 20 times and no improvement, then just stop. " ye that is good one, to know when to stop, if you don` t get that.
                        Just don` t know is there any ways to play new hero on same lvl as your average hero after few days. or i need 5 month for 50 games to get use to him?


                          play 4 or 5 games