General Discussion

General DiscussionRecommends should have more impact

Recommends should have more impact in General Discussion

    2 weeks ago i had my first low prio.

    i had 6 reports (from 3 seperate parties, 1 4 stack and 2 single reports) and 9 recommends.

    but i got low prio after the behaviour summery.

    so 9 people say "cool dude, would
    play again" and 6 people
    say "reatard, dont want to play with him again", and i get low prio. doesnt seem right to me.

    i also had behaviour summaries where i had 4-5 reports but 13 recommends and my behaviour score DECLINED...why?

    as of now, the only use of recommends is to show them on your profile which doesnt do anything.

    what i think should happen;

    a. only get low prio or negative behaviour score if you have more reports then recommends

    b. make recommends do smth, like spinning cm wheel once a week if you have more then 5 recommends a week as an example

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      I mean, you dont teach someone this way.

      you can teach your dog to do tricks by

      a. hitting him on the head when he doesnt do what you want

      b. give him a treat when he does what you want

      practice a. will eventually work but your dog will have psychologic problems and behave agressive (toxic, see the link?)

      only drawback to practice b. is that it costs money and the dog maybe gets fat if you give him too many treats :)

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      < blank >


        We were really concerned to receive your rant on 19th October, complaining about the report/commend system of our product Dota 2. Your comments regarding our delivered services are very important to us.

        As stated in your posts, you were not satisfied with the quality of the system and the service we provide. I deeply apologise on behalf of the entire working staff that we could not meet your expectations.

        In view of your complaints, I personally talked to the developer who came up and implemented the system. He explained to me that the report system was served in a very presentable way after proper examination of its taste.

        Respecting your comments, we are heartfelt sorry. However, I request you to please specify the details of your complaints and send a formal letter to us. We wish to act on the reimbursement of the system, if necessary.



        Almost Manager
        Valve Corporation


          To whom it may concern,

          With great appreceation I received your answer to my proposed changes of the report/recommend system.

          However, I am not satisfied with the content of said statement.

          Therefore, i would like to tell you



            Thos commend/report and behaviour score system sucks. Now it allows to report you for intentional feeding, when you have best score in team. And the idiot reporters suffer nothing for making fake reports.
            I admit that i am toxic player and flame, but muting me globally is only right punishment, now because of retarded idiots in team, i constantly get reported, have low behaviour score, retarded teammates with no support, and even if with support, they still doesnt buy wards etc. These recent changes made me not enjoy dota anymore, maybe in one out of 10-15 games i can say to teammates good game guys, well played and i would really mean it.


              You can submit only 3 reports, so reporting people for nothing is very rare.

              I agree with OP. Commend system should be more rewarding in a way we can see it. It would lead to a better quality of the game, but also people would spam "Pls commend me if you like".

              So in the end of the day, in this case there should be also a much more limited quantity of commends you can give per day/week.


                For the case of reporting, I suppose it goes back to whether the Dota Gods actually go back and investigate traded reports. For instance, me solo reporting (yes billy no-mates here) vs. a party of 2-3 that I may only report one of their group (justly) but because it is a group of people of limited cranial power, I may return with 2-3 reports to my name*. In that case the report system is unjustly punished me for what would normally be a 1-for-1 situation.

                I agree with all of the above... commends don't really mean anything when the report system can seriously unbalance it.

                *NB: Assumes some sort of dialogue in chat during the game and I haven't unleashed the torrid of toxicity which I learnt the hard way from (low priority).


                  Well, when i have 3 reports each week, i mostly make around 10, most often you just get it back, since everyone is being reported all the time, i do not know player who plays a lot ranked, and hasnt been in low prio


                    Thats why I started playing more pos5 and pos4. People always see mid and carry mistakes. :P

                    @RosHan Solo

                    You can disable party matchmaking you know ?